LCS 2024 Summer Split Regular Season Results: W3D2

If you are looking for a brief overview of the matches that were played during the second day of the third week of the League Championship Series 2024 Summer Split Regular Season, then look no further.

LCS 2024 Summer Split Regular Season Results: W3D2

The League Championship Series 2024 Summer Split has kicked off with many new games for fans to enjoy as the North American pro scene is brimming with new and veteran talent looking to prove why they deserve a spot on the international stage.

The LCS has been suffering from significant viewership drops, however, it seems that fans are enjoying the new approach by the region to promote competitive rivalries and even trash-talking as a means to bring more attention to the pro scene. 



LCS 2024 Summer Split Regular Season Matches

LCS 2024 Summer Split Matches

The LCS Regular Season will consist of a single round-robin Best-of-3 format given the vast amount of feedback from the fan base and pros. This will not only help teams practice for the international stage but also have a lot more time dedicated to each team and their performance instead of spreading both the fans and casters thin. 

LCS 2024 Summer Split Regular Season SR vs C9

The Bo3s of the Summer Split are in full throttle. The League of Legends pro players are showing a lot more resourcefulness as well as utilizing new strategies this time around. 

Game 1 Shopify Rebellion vs Cloud9 (0-1)

SR Role C9
FakeGod K'Sante TOP Renekton Thanatos 
Tomio Maokai JNG Zyra Blaber
Insanity Lucian MID Corki Jojopyun
Bvoy Zeri BOT Ezreal Berserker
Zeyzal Rakan SUP Nautilus VULCAN

Game 2 Shopify Rebellion vs Cloud9 (0-2)

C9 Role SR
Thanatos K'Sante TOP Renekton FakeGod
Blaber Maokai JNG Zyra Tomio
Jojopyun Lucian MID Corki Insanity
Berserker Zeri BOT Ezreal Bvoy
VULCAN Rakan SUP Nautilus Zeyzal

C9 was able to capitalize on their early-game advantages and slowly choke out SR out of any opportunities for a comeback as both games were marked with a very convincing performance by Cloud9. Despite all of Shopify Rebellion's efforts, they were quickly swept to a 2-0 series. 



LCS 2024 Summer Split Regular Season DIG vs FLY

The second match of the day brought a lot of hype to the stage as both teams had been tearing at each other in anticipation for their clash. 

Game 1 Dignitas vs Fly Quest (0-1)

Licorice Poppy TOP Renekton Bwipo
Spica Brand JNG Taliyah Inspired
Jensen Tristana MID Corki Quad
Zven Kai'Sa BOT Kalista Massu
Isles Leona SUP Renata Glasc Busio

Game 2 Dignitas vs Fly Quest (0-2)

Licorice K'Sante TOP Twisted Fate Bwipo
Spica Nidalee JNG Karthus Inspired
Jensen Corki MID Tristana Quad
Zven Kai'Sa BOT Ezreal Massu
Isles Leona SUP Poppy Busio

FLY was simply running circles around DIG the entire series, as it seems the team was able to improve their performance following their disappointing MSI matches.

And that covers all of the games from the third week day two matches of the LCS 2024 Summer Split. This format is proving to be very effective as a lot of fans and players are already enjoying the new format. The League of Legends Esports scene is still going strong, despite the recent news regarding the changes to the LCS, but hopefully, Riot Games will continue investing in the pro scene as the game has more or less skyrocketed Esports into mainstream relevance. 
