With Patch 14.22 coming soon, many League of Legends players are looking for their next OP pick for solo queue. Since every patch brings a lot of changes to the meta, we will be taking a look at the best of the best when it comes to jungle champions so you can start climbing up the ranked ladder.
Having that in mind, here are the 5 best jungle champions for solo queue in League of Legends.
LoL 14.22 Best Jungle Champions

We will go over the best top lane champions you can pick for your LoL ranked games, and although this selection strives to be as objective as possible, you need to be aware of differences in playstyle, as well as fun factors and overall champion difficulty. These options should serve you well both in Low and High Elo games.

Graves has been in the dark for quite some time, however, recent item changes have further pushed him both in low and high Elo. More and more players are making use of a Lethality build that can have you literally one-shotting squishy champions should you get a good lead.
Graves can be a bit slow in terms of camp clears, but he can be quite deadly in small skirmishes, especially around neutral objectives.

End of the Line (Q)
- Your main source of damage in the early game, as you will need to effectively utilize the terrain to maximize your damage output.

Youmuu's Ghostblade
- Generally, you should go for Youmuu's Ghostblade as your first item, followed by Plated Steelcaps/ Mercurial Treads and The Collector for extra damage.

Dark Harvest
- You should run Dark Harvest on Graves as you will be often looking for ganks and kills.

Zac is a very strong tank that can execute some long-distance ganks, sustain himself in prolonged fights, and set up for some dives as well. With some great AP ratios on his abilities, coupled with the tankiness of the champion, you can quite easily decide the outcome of games.
Although your clear speed is not the best, you make up for it with your engage tools, and built-in healing.

Unstable Matter (W)
- Your main source of damage, as well as passive procs, make sure to constantly spam it in fights as the max health damage is a nice bonus.

Sunfire Aegis
- Generally, you should go for Sunfire Aegis as your first item, followed by Lucidity Boots, and Spirit Visage for some added survivability.

- You should run Aftershock on Zac due to the added resistances and damage from CC-ing enemies.

Nunu has seen a massive shift in popularity, either because of his 2024 World Championship presence or the gameplay of a notorious Nunu one trick. Nevertheless, Nunu can be quite a monster in the jungle given how much sustain you have, coupled with fast clears, as well as the potential to camp lanes and constantly gank.
If your team is lacking an AP pick, give Nunu a try and roll that ball to victory.

Biggest Snowball Ever! (W)
- This will be your bread-and-butter ability as it will allow you to traverse the map and setup ganks for your teammates.

Hextech Rocketbelt
- Generally, you should go for Hextech Rocketbelt as your first item, followed by Sorceror's Shoes and Shadowflame for some additional burst damage. You can also opt for a Dark Seal into Mejai's Soulstealer if you are feeling confident.

Dark Harvest
- A must-have since you can easily stack up the rune with your R, giving you healing and extra damage.

Kha'Zix is also seeing a revival this time around, and with the item changes in Patch 14.22, we might see even more assassins in the jungle. Kha has been notorious for his incredible dive potential, as well as skirmishing power so if you are able to accrue an advantage in the early game, chances are, you are winning the match.
Make sure to utilize his mobility, isolated damage and burst to take down squishy champs, instead of focusing solely on clearing camps and neutral objectives.

Taste Their Fear (Q)
- Your go-to source for damage and clearing, so make sure to isolate bigger creeps for faster clear speeds, as well as prioritize out of position targets and squshies.

Youmuu's Ghostblade
- Generally, you should go for Youmuu's Ghostblade as your first item, followed by Lucidity Boots and Opportunity for extra lethality.

Dark Harvest
- Dark Harvest is a must on Kha'Zix, since you will be constantly ganking and looking for kill opportunities.

Nocturne is a great assassin that has decent clears, good skirmishing potential, and above all, dive! You should be constantly pressuring lanes as you possess the ability to quickly reposition and gank enemy champions without them ever seeing you on the map.
Although you need proper follow up from your team, most of the cases, you will be able to delete carries, or at least separate them from their frontline so that you can weave in a crucial fear.

Paranoia (R)
- This ability can decide games if used correctly. Not only do you block enemy vision, but you also have a great engage tool that can easily place you on top of a carry or out-of-position champion.

- Generally, you should go for Stridebreaker as your first item, followed by either Plated Steelcaps/ Mercurial Treads and Experimental Hexplate to further boost your ult usage.

- Since you need to get into the thick of it, Conqueror will give you some much needed damage and healing.
And that covers our picks for the top 5 best jungle champions you can play on Patch 14.22. Although League of Legend's meta is constantly shifting due to biweekly balance updates, some champions remain more relevant than others either due to item changes or system overhauls. Best of luck in your games and grab that sweet LP.