With Patch 14.22 coming soon, many League of Legends players are looking for their next OP pick for solo queue. Since every patch brings a lot of changes to the meta, we will be taking a look at the best of the best when it comes to mid lane champions so you can start climbing up the ranked ladder.
Having that in mind, here are the 5 best mid lane champions for solo queue in League of Legends.
LoL 14.22 Best Mid Lane Champions

We will go over the best mid lane champions you can pick for your LoL ranked games, and although this selection strives to be as objective as possible, you need to be aware of differences in playstyle, as well as fun factors and overall champion difficulty. These options should serve you well both in Low and High Elo games.

Ahri is a fan-favorite given how much mobility you have, coupled with your ability to get prio and roam either for an easy gank or to gain access to neutral objectives. As soon as you reach level 6, you should look for ganks, especially if your enemy can't mirror you.
Keep in mind that you should pay attention to your low damage at the start of the game, but constant trades with Electrocute should even out the scales.

Spirit Rush (R)
- Having your ultimate unlocks your potential as a carry as you will be constantly looking for pick opportunities as well as easily follow up on your teammates' engages.

- Generally, you should go for Malignance as your first item, followed by Sorceror's Shoes, and Horizon Focus to further boost your ultimate damage.

- Small trades will be your key to victory, given how little damage you have in the early game, staying on top of your opponent is crucial to get prio.

Vex is another great mage option for players wanting to play a more traditional style of wave clearing and building up items to become quite the damage dealer in the mid-to-late game. Vex also can serve as a great engage tool when you land your ultimate, chaining it into an AoE fear can quickly turn the tide in your favor.
Make sure to pay attention to your surroundings as you have no movement abilities so positioning will be key.

Mistral Bolt (Q)
- Make sure to consistently utilize this ability both for wave clearing and harassing the enemy laner. If you are able to get prio early on, you can help out your jungler in small skirmishes.

Luden's Companion
- Generally, you should go for Luden's Companion as your first item, followed by Sorceror's Shoes, and Shadowflame for some burst damage.

- Small trades will be your key to victory, given how little damage you have in the early game, staying on top of your opponent is crucial to get prio.

Vel'Koz received some great buffs in Patch 14.22 in the form of cooldown reduction for his E and R, thus allowing you to more consistently dish out damage.
Vel'Koz is a very tricky mage who forces you to think outside of the box when it comes to traditional skill shots. Landing your Q feels so satisfying as your opponent will rarely be able to trade back.

Plasma Fission (Q)
- Although most of your damage will come from your passive in the mid-to-late game, do not underestimate his poke potential, especially if you are able to proc his passive from a distance.

Luden's Companion
- Generally, you should go for Luden's Companion as your first item, followed by Sorceror's Shoes, and Shadowflame for some burst damage.

Arcane Comet
- You will need this rune for some extra lane harass, as well as spec into the entire Sorcery Tree for some additional mana.

Although Anivia received some nerfs to her armor growth as well as her E AP ratio, she is still one of the best mid laners in Patch 14.22.
She has incredible wave clears, great zoning tools, and excellent objective control due to her annoying slow and burst damage.

Glacial Storm (R)
- Make sure to constantly use your ultimate to clear waves and get immediate prio for skirmishes and team fights.

Rod of Ages
- Generally, you should go for Rod of Ages as your first item, followed by Sorceror's Shoes and Archangel's Staff for some much-needed scaling and additional mana.

- Small trades will be your key to victory, given how little damage you have in the early game, staying on top of your opponent is crucial to get prio.

Talon is back due to his W damage buff, making it far easier to shove waves and deal damage not only in the mid lane, but also as a jungler.
Given the changes to Lethality items in 14.22, now is a great time to pick up Talon and kill any squishy mage standing in your way.

Assasin's Path (E)
- Being able to traverse terrain is incredible for an assassin champion, and Talon excels in ganks and skirmishes. If you are able to establish and early lead, no one can stop you from snowballing.

Youmuu's Ghostblade
- Generally, you should go for Youmuu's Ghostblade as your first item, followed by Lucidity Boots and Opportunity for some added damage and lethality.

- Small trades will be your key to victory, given how little damage you have in the early game, staying on top of your opponent is crucial to get prio.
And that covers our picks for the top 5 best mid lane champions you can play on Patch 14.22. Although League of Legend's meta is constantly shifting due to biweekly balance updates, some champions remain more relevant than others either due to item changes or system overhauls. Best of luck in your games and grab that sweet LP.