League of Legends 14.22 Top 5 Best Top Lane Champions

We will take a look at the top five best top laners you can pick for your LoL ranked games.

League of Legends 14.22 Top 5 Best Top Lane Champions
Riot Games

With Patch 14.22 coming soon, many League of Legends players are looking for their next OP pick for solo queue. Since every patch brings a lot of changes to the meta, we will be taking a look at the best of the best when it comes to top lane champions so you can start climbing up the ranked ladder.

Having that in mind, here are the 5 best top lane champions for solo queue in League of Legends.



LoL 14.22 Best Top Lane Champions

League of Legends 14.22 Top 5 Best Top Lane Champions
Riot Games

We will go over the best top lane champions you can pick for your LoL ranked games, and although this selection strives to be as objective as possible, you need to be aware of differences in playstyle, as well as fun factors and overall champion difficulty. These options should serve you well both in Low and High Elo games.



Malphite is quite frankly, OP this time around. Not only is his kit catered towards simplifying your laning phase, but also the amount of damage and pressure you can soak, coupled with the hard CC you possess, make Malphite an absolute solo queue monster.

Granted, it can be rather boring to play a tank like Malphite, but if you want an almost guaranteed win, then look no further. 

Unstoppable Force


Unstoppable Force (R)

  • This ability will make or break your games if you are able to land it on the squishy backline. One good ultimate can decide an entire team fight as long as your team can follow through on your engage.
Sunfire Aegis


Sunfire Aegis

  • Generally, you should go for Sunfire Aegis as your first item, followed by Plated Steelcaps, Thornmail/MR Item of your choosing.
Arcane Comet


Arcane Comet

  • You will need this rune for some extra lane harass, as well as spec into the entire Sorcery Tree for some additional mana.




Irelia is getting some sweet buffs to her passive, allowing her to maintain the stacks and even proc it on structures, thus further elevating your split push pressure.

Although Irelia is tricky to pilot, if you are looking for a decent challenge both in terms of mechanics and game knowledge, then you will easily dominate most of your matches as long as you ban Malphite.



Bladesurge (Q)

  • You will be constantly using this ability to ensure last hits, engage on the top laner as the resets will allow you to quickly build up your passive for a surprise kill. 
Blade of the Ruined King


Blade of the Ruined King

  • Generally, you should go for Blade as your first item, followed by Plated Steelcaps/ Mercurial Treads, and Kraken Slayer for some added on-hit damage.



  • You should run Conqueror on Irelia due to her ability to easily stack up the rune.


Kayle got a nice attack speed buff, allowing her to more consistently dish out damage and become even more powerful come late game. Although you are very vulnerable in the early game, should you survive your lane without many setbacks, you are almost guaranteed to win your games.

Scaling is key when it comes to playing Kayle, so always respect your enemy if you feel like you might get solo killed before you reach level 6.

Divine Ascent


Divine Ascent (Passive)

  • Your passive is your win condition, the sooner you hit levels 6, 11, and 16, the bigger the likelihood of you carrying the game to victory. Always pay attention to your item and level spikes to effectively harass and farm without failure.
Nashor's Tooth


Nashor's Tooth

  • Generally, you should go for Nashor's Tooth as your first item, followed by Boots of Swiftness and Rabadon's Deathcap for some added damage.
Lethal Tempo


Lethal Tempo

  • A must-have since your attack speed will be your key to unloading your massive on-hit damage.




Kennen is a team fighting machine, and with the added range on top, you can breeze through the laning phase until you get 1-2 items and prepare to electrocute squishy enemy carries.

Kennen can be quite useful, especially if you struggle to maintain prio, but you have to be mindful of your low health so make sure to always trade from a distance.

Slicing Maelstrom


Slicing Maelstrom (R)

  • The most important ability as if you are able to lock up at least 2 backline champions, then you should for sure win the fight.
Hextech Rocketbelt


Hextech Rocketbelt

  • Generally, you should go for Hextech Rocketbelt as your first item, followed by Sorceror's Shoes and Shadowflame for the added crit damage.
Hextech Rocketbelt


Summon Aery

  • You should run Summon Aery on Kennen to increase your trade damage, and further harass/deny the enemy top laner from CS if you are against a melee matchup.


Although Illaoi is very immobile, do not underestimate her damage, especially during the laning phase. Illaoi can afford to build tanky as well as skirmish in the jungle due to her passive and ultimate. 

Make sure to pick her against immobile comps as dashes and blinks can easily negate her impact in teamfights, but one the tentacles start hitting, there is no going back.

Test of Spirit


Test of Spirit (E)

  • This will be your main ability during the laning phase as you will need to ensure landing your E onto the enemy for some easy harass and zoning so you can freely farm the wave.
Iceborn Gauntlet


Iceborn Gauntlet

  • Generally, you should go for Iceborn Gauntlet as your first item, followed by either Plated Steelcaps/ Mercurial Treads and Black Cleaver for some added damage and armor shred.
Grasp of the Undying


Grasp of the Undying

  • A must-have since you will be trading in lane, so make sure up to stack some health while you're at it.

And that covers our picks for the top 5 best top lane champions you can play on Patch 14.22. Although League of Legend's meta is constantly shifting due to biweekly balance updates, some champions remain more relevant than others either due to item changes or system overhauls. Best of luck in your games and grab that sweet LP.




League of Legends

League of Legends

League of Legends (LoL) is a multiplayer online battle arena (MOBA) game developed and published by Riot Games. Released in 2009, the game features fast-paced, team-based gameplay, where players control champions with unique abilities and battle to destroy the enemy's Nexus. League of Legends is known for its deep strategy, diverse champion roster, and competitive nature. The game includes various modes, such as Summoner's Rift, ARAM, and rotating game modes, offering diverse experiences for players. LoL is a major player in the esports scene, with professional leagues and tournaments worldwide. The game is praised for its engaging gameplay, regular updates, and vibrant community, making it one of the most popular and enduring titles in the gaming industry.

Multiplayer Online Battle Arena (MOBA)
Release Date
Oct 27, 2009
Riot Games
Riot Games
ESRB Rating