LEC 2024 Summer Playoffs Results: G2 vs FNC

A new week of matches is upon as the League of Legends EMEA Championship is picking up speed as teams are getting closer to Season Finals.

LEC 2024 Summer Playoffs Results: G2 vs FNC

The League of Legends EMEA Championship Summer Split is in motion as teams are continuing their competitive journey to reach the very top of the region as well as earn enough points to qualify for the World Championship later this year.

Although the LEC region has been marked with G2's domination, it seems that this time around, a lot of the professional rosters have upped their game both in macro and micro play. With that in mind, we will go over the games between G2 Esports versus Fnatic. 


LEC Summer Playoffs G2 vs FNC

LEC 2024 Summer Split Playoffs G2 vs FNC Match

Both of these teams have an incredible rivalry spanning years as FNC and G2 have both been crowned the very best in the LEC, however, only one may wear the crown in this series for a chance to reach Summer Finals and win it all.

G2 vs FNC Game 1 (Result 1-0)

G2 Role FNC
BrokenBlade Jayce TOP Renekton Oscarinin
Yike Brand JNG Zyra Razork
Caps Ezreal MID Lucian Humanoid
Hans Sama Miss Fortune BOT Jhin Noah
Mikyx Leona SUP Alistar Jun



G2 vs FNC Game 2 (Result 1-1)

FNC Role G2
Oscarinin K'Sante TOP Varus BrokenBlade
Razork Sejuani JNG Maokai Yike
Humanoid Azir MID Lucian Caps
Noah Ezreal BOT Kai'Sa Hans Sama
Jun Bard SUP Rakan Mikyx

G2 vs FNC Game 3 (Result 1-2)

G2 Role FNC
BrokenBlade Renekton TOP Ornn Oscarinin
Yike Zyra JNG Sejuani Razork
Caps Ezreal MID Azir Humanoid
Hans Sama Jhin BOT Caitlyn Noah
Mikyx Nautilus SUP Rell Jun



G2 vs FNC Game 4 (Result 2-2)

G2 Role FNC
BrokenBlade Varus TOP Renekton Oscarinin
Yike Sejuani JNG Brand Razork
Caps Corki MID Lucian Humanoid
Hans Sama Miss Fortune BOT Kai'Sa Noah
Mikyx Rell SUP Leona Jun

G2 vs FNC Game 5 (Result 2-3)

FNC Role G2
Oscarinin Renekton TOP Twisted Fate BrokenBlade
Razork Nidalee JNG Sejuani Yike
Humanoid Corki MID Lucian Caps
Noah Ezreal BOT Caitlyn Hans Sama
Jun Rell SUP Braum Mikyx

After a very close 2-3 series, FNC was able to come out on top and decimate G2 in a very nail-biting fifth game. Razork showed an incredible performance. Despite G2's silly antics and attempts to catch their rivals off-guard, FNC secured their spot in the League of Legends EMEA Championship Summer Split Finals with G2 patiently waiting for their next series to decide who will face the winners of this series.
