With Patch 14.14 now live, many League of Legends players are looking for their next OP pick for solo queue. Since every patch brings a lot of changes to the meta, we will be taking a look at the best of the best when it comes to top lane champions so you can start climbing up the ranked ladder.
We will give several examples of champions per tier, so you can decide for yourself which pick fits your play style and which toplaner will give you the best chances of carrying your team to victory.
Given how much the meta can shake things up, you should pay attention to each patch as your favorite champion might be hit with the nerf hammer, as Riot unleashes a new broken champion on the top lane.
Table of Contents
- Tier List Explanation
- League of Legends 14.14: S-Tier Top Lane Champions
- League of Legends 14.14: A-Tier Top Lane Champions
- League of Legends 14.14: B-Tier Top Lane Champions
- League of Legends 14.14: C-Tier Top Lane Champions
- League of Legends 14.14: D-Tier Top Lane Champions
- Summary of Best Top Lane Champions in League of Legends Patch 14.14
Tier List Explanation
This tier list will examine some of the most-played League of Legends champions in the top lane.
- S-Tier: The best champions you can use to ensure you are always victorious.
- A-Tier: Great options but lacking just slightly either in terms of damage or utility.
- B-Tier: Viable and reliable in most situations, you can manage rather decently.
- C-Tier: Although they can be somewhat decent, you are better off with other picks.
- D-Tier: You should avoid playing these champions as much as possible.
NOTE: Although this tier list strives to be as objective as possible in terms of viability, you should not limit yourself to strictly adhere to this list, but rather experiment and see which champion feels fun to play with.
League of Legends 14.14: S-Tier Top Lane Champions
Darius is one of the strongest juggernauts you can abuse in soloqueue as his absolutely terrifying laning phase can help you easily outmatch your opponent both in terms of CS and prio.
- Oppressive kit
- Great execution damage
- Very powerful snowball potential
- Lack of gap closers
Aatrox has once again become a concern for players in the top lane as his laning phase poses quite the threat in terms of solo kill potential. Not only is his healing stronger by abusing Sundered Sky, but his team fighting can be quite menacing if you are able to get the upper hand in objective fights.
- Great sustain
- Amazing damage
- Enhanced mobility and CC
- Easy to pick up, difficult to master
Camille has been shining bright ever since Riot nerfed her as an aggressive playmaking support. Now she reigns supreme in the top lane not only due to her oppressive split-pushing potential but also her amazing engage capabilities.
- Incredible laning phase
- Superb damage
- Can apply a lot of pressure on the map
- Has some annoying counters
Sett has made it back to the top lane following a long period of a rather underwhelming win rate, but he has now once again become quite the formidable foe.
- High damage
- Innate tankiness
- Great laning phase
- Lack of proper engage tools
Illaoi is seeing a lot more play recently and given the changes to her tentacles, she can be far more efficient with her E poke.
- High damage
- Innate tankiness
- Amazing in team fights
- Lack of mobility and CC
Nasus has become quite strong from his E buffs allowing him to lane and farm much better without running into early game mana problems as much. Although he excels in the mid-game, you can still get a lot of value due to his split pushing capabilities.
- Tanky and reliable damage
- Very oppressive slow
- Lack of mobility
Mordekaiser is here to stay as his top lane presence is more than formidable given how oppressive his kit can be during the laning phase.
- Great team fighting due to his ultimate
- Good laning phase
- Lack of mobility
Fiora has remained a monster no matter the meta or patch as her kit coupled with the new items that were added in Season 14 make her quite the annoying champion to lane against.
- Incredible damage
- Amazing split pushing
- Annoying poke
- Difficult to master
Garen has become a staple in the top lane not only due to his very easy playstyle but also his incredible damage, especially if he is able to get a cheeky kill.
- Superb damage
- Amazing split pushing
- Annoying laning phase
- Lack of CC
League of Legends 14.14: A-Tier Top Lane Champions
Vlad is a decent pick if you are looking to be an unstoppable AP monster come late game as his burst damage and healing can be quite powerful.
Kennen is a great pick if you are looking to help out your team in team fights.
Singed is a niche pick as you will need to master proxy farming as well as waste the enemy team's time so your team can either grab important objectives or win lanes. You need to balance being selfish and selfless whilst also being a very annoying champion to deal with.
Riven can bring a lot to the table in terms of damage, but her kit does require you to master animation canceling and weaving in as many auto-attacks as possible in her combos.
Shen is a very reliable crossmap tank that can help your team in skirmishes, and objective fights as well as just bring much-needed CC and durability in team fights.
Trundle is not only the Troll King but also in some cases the Top Lane King due to his very strong split pushing, tankiness, utility, and damage.
Yorick has seen better days, and although you can easily win your lane and even 1v2 ganks, you drastically fall off in terms of team fighting damage so you will need to rely on split pushing to maintain late-game relevancy.
Malphite is an incredibly reliable anti-AD tank that can decide games just with one ultimate so if you are ready to face a very boring laning phase, always bet on Malphite.
Tryndamere has seen a lot of play recently, and although you might suffer against CC-heavy comps, you can reign supreme in the laning phase as well as split push until you pass out.
League of Legends 14.14: B-Tier Top Lane Champions
Cho'Gath can be a mixed bag, but if your team is lacking a tank and some AP damage, then this Void Champion is your go-to pick.
Although Gnar is great in competitive play, his passive is very difficult to manage efficiently to ensure you always have Mega Gnar for that great ult outplay.
Gragas can be quite frustrating to play against given how often he can CC you, but his reduced healing makes him a bit more manageable during the laning phase.
Dr. Mundo
Dr. Mundo goes where he pleases, but not to the very top of the tier list that's for sure. If you want a simple tank that walks at people menacingly, make sure to give him a try.
Gangplank is doing surprisingly well, as his damage is one of the highest in the game but his kit requires some mastery to efficiently use his barrels to blow up the enemy carries.
Ryze is not very popular but his win rate is very good given how strong you become in the late game. His ultimate can also decide games if you are in a dire situation to reach a crucial objective or get out of an unfavorable fight.
League of Legends 14.14: C-Tier Top Lane Champions
Irelia was nerfed in this patch so it is not surprising to see her this low on the list, but you can still win some of your matchups.
Jax also received a nerf as his E has a longer cooldown which can drastically reduce his all-in potential and allow you to harass him without much worry.
It is safe to say that Skarner has been buried when it comes to his top lane presence, but you can still reliably farm in your lane without having much kill pressure.
Renekton's win rate has been butchered so much that he has fallen below 50% as his terrible scaling simply denies him any playmaking opportunities in the late game.
League of Legends 14.14: D-Tier Top Lane Champions
It seems K'Sante is stuck in ELO Hell given how much Riot have nerfed him into the ground, and despite several reworks it is still impossible to balance him.
Rumble got a nerf to his Q damage so it is no surprise that he has instantly dropped down to the very bottom.
Despite the buff, Sion still remains very clunky to play and even Thebausffs can't even advocate picking this champion.
Jayce received a slight buff to his Q damage, but that still is not enough to make him strong enough to deal with other much better top picks.
Summary of Best Top Lane Champions in League of Legends Patch 14.14
All in all, this list is surely to change based on balance changes the devs implement but it should give you a general idea of which champions are strong and which might need some additional tuning to become more viable.
Tier | Top Lane Champions |
S-Tier | Darius, Aatrox, Camille, Sett, Illaoi, Nasus, Mordekaiser, Fiora, Garen |
A-Tier | Vladimir, Kennen, Singed, Riven, Shen, Trundle, Yorick, Malphite, Tryndamere |
B-Tier | Cho'Gath, Gnar, Gragas, Dr. Mundo, Gangplank, Ryze |
C-Tier | Irelia, Jax, Skarner, Renekton |
D-Tier | K'Sante, Rumble, Sion, Jayce |