With Patch 14.19 now live, many League of Legends players are looking for their next OP pick for solo queue. Since every patch brings a lot of changes to the meta, we will be taking a look at the best of the best when it comes to top lane champions so you can start climbing up the ranked ladder.
We will give several examples of champions per tier, so you can decide for yourself which pick fits your play style and which toplaner will give you the best chances of carrying your team to victory.
Given how much the meta can shake things up, you should pay attention to each patch as your favorite champion might be hit with the nerf hammer, as Riot unleashes a new broken champion on the top lane.
Table of Contents
Tier List Explanation
This tier list will examine some of the most-played League of Legends champions in the top lane. Keep in mind that this is for Emerald+ divisions.
- B-Tier: Viable and reliable in most situations, you can manage rather decently.
- A-Tier: Great options but lacking just slightly either in terms of damage or utility.
- S-Tier: The best champions you can use to ensure you are always victorious.
NOTE: Although this tier list strives to be as objective as possible in terms of viability, you should not limit yourself to strictly adhere to this list, but rather experiment and see which champion feels fun to play with.
B-Tier Top Lane Champions
Olaf offers a nice mix of damage and all-in potential, making him quite strong especially given the major damage nerfs to items in this patch.
Although Rumble was hit with some nerfs to his damage, the new item changes have now allowed him to further excel given how great his zoning is with his ultimate, allowing you to do consistent damage with proper passive management.
Gangplank is finally in better shape thanks to the major item changes. Keep in mind that his barrel combos can be quite tricky to learn, but once you master him, you will surely win most of your matchups.
Teemo is also creeping up as his upcoming ASU will certainly boost his popularity so make sure you are prepared to face a lot of Yordles.
Although the community frowns upon top lane ranged abusers, Vayne will be rather strong in this durability-focused patch.
With patch 14.19 being centered around increased durability, Sion can excel in prolonged team fights given how his kit allows him to stack up health with ease.
Kayle has been hit rather hard with some of the attack speed item nerfs so you will need to hold on a bit longer until you become a killing machine in the late game.
Gnar should also benefit from the recent item changes, given how his playstyle revolves around his use of Mega Gnar, and coupled with his above-average laning phase, you can at least guarantee yourself a comfortable early-to-mid game.
Cho is another great option if you are looking for a straightforward tank, and with his ability to stack up extra health, your team will thank you for soaking up all of the damage.
Wukong can opt for a tankier juggernaut build as his resistance shred abilities can be quite useful given how Riot decided to make the games less burst-oriented.
A-Tier Top Lane Champions
Kled has been a great pick for most matches recently, and with the new meta focusing on tankier champions, he will have enough time to make full use of his passive.
Ornn remains a solid tank pick with his frontline capabilities and engage options, making him great for team fights. He also has a very secure laning phase so you won't have to constantly worry about winning lane.
Trundle's sustain is optimal for top lane, allowing him to easily scape up and trade even with most top laners. His abilities also help him in prolonged fights and even push down enemy turrets in the blink of an eye.
Tahm has been a menace due to his insane damage and survivability, so be on the lookout for this swamp dweller in your games.
Finally, Mundo can shine as the beefy frontline that can sustain any incoming damage. With burst being nerfed in the meta, you will be able to peel for your team much more effectively.
Skarner is in a relatively good place as you can still dish out a lot of damage during the laning phase and become an unstoppable pain train should any enemy be in the wrong place at the wrong time.
Shen is also a solid option as his playstyle during the laning phase can net you some great advantages whether in CS or XP.
Singed is the king of proxy, and given how much more durability champions will have, you will shine as you maniacally run circles around the enemy carries.
Zac's sustain is crucial for his success, making him a great engage tank with some serious damage when it comes to prolonged team fights.
Quinn surprisingly is seeing a lot of success in the top lane, and although you will be finding it hard to mow down enemies, at least your mobility will be a huge reason for early-to-mid-game skirmishes and objective fights.
S-Tier Top Lane Champions
Illaoi is not to be messed with as this beefy bruiser can pack a mean punch in team fights.
Yorick is finally in a decent spot to shine given how much damage he can unleash, as well as the added pressure of tearing down towers.
Although the meta favors more durable champions, you can still get a lot of mileage out of Aurora for her constant lane harass and mobility.
Speaking of tanks, Malphite will forever be at the very top in terms of laning, team fights, and even damage.
Poppy is amazing not only as a strong flex pick but also a great counter to engage-heavy teams.
Mordekaiser is still doing great in the top lane, and with the small movement speed nerfs on most items, you can much more easily catch up to carries and lock them in your domain expansion.
Warwick is eating good this patch, as his incredible sustain can help you farm with ease until you become an insatiable hunter that will track down any enemy carry daring to be close to him.
Fiora is an incredible duelist that can bully any squishy champ daring to oppose her. Coupled with her great side lane pressure, you can quickly accrue advantages over the course of the game.
Volibear is back at the top with his insane damage, durability, and dive potential.
Although burst damage has been nerfed in this patch, you will be able to decide most team fights with your ultimate, especially if you are able to lock up the backline of the enemy comp.
Darius is a very strong juggernaut that bullies almost any enemy standing in his way, and with his powerful execute ability, you can easily shred carries to bits.
Camille is also back from the grave (bot lane) and is shining bright so be wary of her incredible mobility and disgusting trades.
Gragas is also seeing a comeback, despite the nerfs to his passive, he can still be a very annoying counter to champions with leaps.
Jax is now better suited for the current meta as his late-game domination is great for prolonged fights, allowing you to weave in extra attacks either on the frontline or enemy turrets if left unchecked.
Although Nasus was hit with some heavy nerfs to his abilities, the current item changes make him a very prominent pick in the top lane.
Gwen is an amazing AP option for players wanting to utilize her insane damage in team fights.
Best Top Lane Champions Tier List
All in all, this League of Legends tier list is surely to change based on balance changes the devs implement but it should give you a general idea of which champions are strong and which might need some additional tuning to become more viable.
S-Tier Champions
- Gwen
- Nasus
- Jax
- Gragas
- Camille
- Darius
- Kennen
- Volibear
- Fiora
- Warwick
- Mordekaiser
- Poppy
- Malphite
- Aurora
- Yorick
- Illaoi
A-Tier Champions
- Kled
- Ornn
- Trundle
- Tahm Kench
- Dr. Mundo
- Skarner
- Shen
- Singed
- Zac
- Quinn
B-Tier Champions
- Wukong
- Cho'Gath
- Gnar
- Kayle
- Sion
- Vayne
- Teemo
- Gangplank
- Rumble
- Olaf
C-Tier Champions
- Riven
- Sett
- Irelia
- Renekton
- Pantheon
- Urgot
- Udyr
D-Tier Champions
- K'Sante
- Smolder
- Vladimir
- Garen
- Aatrox
- Jayce
- Tryndamere