The newest League of Legends patch brings a lot of balance changes to the game as Riot Games is adjusting lots of different champions, items, and in-game systems. Not only does the meta shift rapidly from patch to patch, but it seems that the devs are looking to provide reasonable buffs, nerfs, and adjustments to the current top picks and builds.
Season 14 was marked with significant changes to League of Legends, prompting many playstyles and strategies to change, especially considering the massive map overhaul, new and removed items, and many other aspects of the beloved MOBA. With that being said, we will take a look at all of the updated champions, items, and in-game systems for Patch 14.20 of League of Legends.
Table of Contents
- League of Legends 14.20 Patch Notes
- LoL Player Days
- Teemo ASU
- Ready Check Penalty Adjustments
- Ranked
- LoL 14.20 Champion Buffs
- LoL 14.20 Champion Nerfs
- LoL 14.20 System Buffs
- LoL 14.20 System Nerfs
- LoL 14.20 ARAM Changes
- Ultimate Spellbook
- Worlds 2024 Clash
- Mythic Shop Rotation
- Bugfixes & QoL Changes
- Upcoming Skins & Chromas
League of Legends 14.20 Patch Notes

We will go over all of the changes added by the devs in the latest League of Legends balance update.
LoL Player Days

League of Legends is a game that was built by all of you. The past 15 years have been an amazing journey, and we're so honored by all the ways you've shared your love for the game, esport, and each other.
So starting today, we're celebrating all of you and the ways you’ve made the game so much more than we could’ve hoped for. We’ll share stories from players around the world illustrated by community artists. You'll also have a chance to pick up several Legacy skins from the vault, not to mention ten days of rewards—plus a few other small tokens to show our appreciation.
There are 10 total days of rewards for you to unlock (play a game to complete a mission, complete a mission to get a reward, you know the deal) including the Ann-Sivir-sary Mythic skin, Mythic Essence, and a batch of fan-themed accessories. You'll have until October 28 to grab 'em all; play one game each day, or wait til the very last one and play all 10 games in a row! (Just remember to stretch between matches.) Here's a roadmap for all the goodies coming your way!
- Day 1: Anniversary Player Icon
- Day 2: 2500 Blue Essence
- Day 3: Mystery Icon
- Day 4: 1050 Orange Essence
- Day 5: Anniversary Emote
- Day 6: 5 Mythic Essence
- Day 7: Mystery Emote
- Day 8: 10 Mythic Essence
- Day 9: Ann-Sivir-sary Skin Permanent (Mythic)
- Day 10: Ann-Sivir-sary Border and Icon
Teemo ASU

One of League's oldest and most hated beloved champions is updated in our latest Art and Sustainability Update (ASU). Teemo's ASU is finally releasing with 14.20. He comes with a new animation rig, new animations, new SFX, new VO, and new VFX to make sure he's looking his best while leaving absolute chaos and destruction in his wake.
Due to the increased scope and quality bar, we're going to be raising the cost on three of Teemo's skins. If you already own them then you're good to go and they'll be updated for free. But if you don't have them yet and want to get them at their current lower price then make sure to pick them up before the ASU goes live tomorrow!
- Happy Elf Teemo (520 RP to 750 RP)
- Recon Teemo (520 RP to 750 RP)
- Badger Teemo (520 RP to 750 RP)
We also unvaulted these skins for 14.19 and 14.20 so make sure to grab them before they return to the vault and reroll pool in patch 14.21!
Additionally to celebrate Teemo's ASU we've given him a champion theme here that we're bringing into the game. For the duration of patch 14.20 if you enter the Rift as Teemo his new theme will play before the game starts. We hope you enjoy this little celebration of our little guy, so play a game of Teemo to try it out! (We promise we won't judge you for playing Teemo—thank Mr Broxah.)
Ready Check Penalty Adjustments

Last patch some players received penalties that were too harsh when declining or missing the Ready Check due to a bug with the system. This bug was causing players to progress through the tiers of penalties far quicker than intended, leading to long queue suspensions, even for minor offenses.
During patch 14.19 we reduced the rate at which players were receiving more serious penalties for continuing to repeatedly decline Ready Checks while we worked on a permanent fix. With patch 14.20 this issue should now be resolved, as well as inappropriate penalties removed from accounts. The temporary hold on serious penalties for declining Ready Checks will be lifted with patch 14.21 and should return to functioning as intended.
Our goal here is to prevent those repeatedly declining Ready Checks within short periods of time for nefarious purposes, not to penalize players who wanted to back out to pick up a friend, or needed to step away for a moment. This system should now be functioning as intended but if not please report it and let us know.

Last season we made it a bit too easy for players to hit some of the higher ranks and the number of players in equivalent ranks across regions varied too much. As a result we wanted to make some of these higher ranks a bit harder to achieve this season so ranks are more comparable across different regions. As a result of this change, some player placements were a little harsher than intended, so we're walking it back a bit. This patch, players should expect to see increased LP gains as a result.
- APEX Duo MMR restriction will be turned back on this patch.
- To support better service performance, Ranked ladders will now be updated every 10 minutes.
LoL 14.20 Champion Buffs

Base Stats
- Base HP: 580 ⇒ 600

The Hitman and the Seer (Passive)
- Bonus AD: 4.5/9/13.5/18/22.5/27 ⇒ 5/10/15/20/25/30

Base Stats
- Attack Speed Ratio: .61 ⇒ .625

Piltover Peacemaker (Q)
- Secondary Damage: 50% ⇒ 60% of total damage

Phosphorus Bomb (Q)
- Mana Cost: 80 ⇒ 60/65/70/75/80

Valkyrie (W)
- Damage: 150/225/300/375/450 (+150% AP) ⇒ 150/225/300/375/450 (+150% AP) (+150% AD)

Gatling Gun (E)
- Mana Cost: 50/60/70/80/90 ⇒ 50/55/60/65/70

Base Stats
- Base AD: 66 ⇒ 69

Slipstream (E)
- Cast Time: 0.01 seconds ⇒ Instant

Shield Vault (W)
- Damage: 5/5.5/6/6.5/7% of target's maximum health (+1.5% per 100 AP) (+0.4% per 100 Pantheon's bonus health) ⇒ 6/6.5/7/7.5/8% of target's maximum health (+1.5% per 100 AP) (+0.4% per 100 Pantheon's bonus health)

Broken Wings (Q)
- Damage: 15/35/55/75/95 (+50/55/60/65/70% AD) ⇒ 45/75/105/135/165 (+65/70/75/80/85% Bonus AD)
Recommended Runes
- Legend: Alacrity ⇒ Legend: Haste
- Last Stand ⇒ Cut Down
- Nimbus Cloak ⇒ Gathering Storm
- Bone Plating ⇒ Second Wind
- Unflinching ⇒ Shield Bash

Explosive Charge (E)
- Range: 525 ⇒ 550

Buster Shot (R)
- Range: 525 ⇒ 550

Base Stats
- Attacks Speed Ratio: 0.67 ⇒ 0.694
- Armor Growth: 4.3 ⇒ 4.8

Steel Tempest (Q)
- Crit Damage: 80% ⇒ 90% (now matches basic attacks)

Last Breath (R)
- Bonus Armor Pen on Crit: 50% ⇒ 60%

Mortal Steel (Q)
- Crit Damage: 80% ⇒ 90% (now matches basic attacks)
LoL 14.20 Champion Nerfs

Blunt Force Trauma (E)
- Max HP into Bonus AD: 2/ max health ⇒ 2/2.25/2.5/2.75/3% max health

Base Stats
- Attack Damage Growth: 4.7 ⇒ 4.4

Curtain Call (R)
- Base Damage: 64/154/244 (+25% AD) ⇒ 64/128/192 (+25% AD)

Obliterate (Q)
- Isolation Damage: 40/45/50/55/60% ⇒ 30/35/40/45/50%

Iron Ambassador (Passive)
- Cooldown: 13/10/7 (levels 1/7/13) seconds ⇒ 16/12/8 (levels 1/7/13) seconds

Hammer Shock (Q)
- Monster Cap: 30/60/90/120/150 ⇒ 50/80/110/140/170

Heroic Charge (E)
- Base Damage: 60/80/100/120/140 (+50% bonus AD) ⇒ 50/70/90/110/130 (+50% bonus AD)

Burnout (W)
- Movement Speed AP Ratio: 12% per 100 AP ⇒ 10% per 100 AP

Flame Breath (E)
- Dragon Form Ground DPS: 60-120 (Level 6-18) + 15% bonus AD + 20% AP ⇒ 40-100 (Level 6-18) + 15% bonus AD + 20% AP

Dragon's Descent (R)
- Damage: 150/250/350 + 130% AP ⇒ 150/250/350 + 100% AP

Base Stats
- Armor Growth: 4.7 ⇒ 4.2

Threads of Vibration (Passive)
- Max Health Damage: 5-11% (based on level) ⇒ 5-9% (based on level)

Ixtal's Impact (E)
- Damage: 30/60/90/120/150 (+8% of Skarner's max health) ⇒ 30/60/90/120/150 (+6% of Skarner's max health)

Wilding Claw (Q)
- Awakened Q Damage Against Monsters: 20 (+100% bonus AD) (+50% AP) ⇒ 15 (+100% bonus AD) (+50% AP)

Blazing Stampede (E)
- Bonus Movement Speed: 30/37/44/51/58/65 ⇒ 25/31/37/43/49/55

Wingborne Storm (R)
- Awakened R Damage Against Monsters: 10-50 (based on level) ⇒ 5-35 (based on level)

Dark Matter (W)
- Damage: 85/140/195/250/305 (+70/80/90/100/110% AP) ⇒ 85/140/195/250/305 (+60/70/80/90/100% AP)
LoL 14.20 System Buffs

Nimbus Cloak
- Decaying Bonus Movement Speed: 12-35% (based on summoner spell cooldown) ⇒ 14-40% (based on summoner spell cooldown)

Phase Rush
- Ranged Move Speed: 15-40% (based on level) ⇒ 18.75-37.5% (based on level)
- Melee Move Speed: 25-50% (based on level) (unchanged)

The Collector
- Item Recipe: B.F. Sword + Serrated Dirk + Cloak of Agility ⇒ Pickaxe + Serrated Dirk + Cloak of Agility
- Gold Cost: 3400 ⇒ 2900
- Attack Damage: 60 ⇒ 50

Yun Tal Wildarrows
- Item Recipe: B.F. Sword + Pickaxe + Cloak of Agility ⇒ Pickaxe + Noonquiver
- Gold Cost: 3200 ⇒ 2950
- Attack Damage: 65 ⇒ 60
- Serrated Edge Damage: 70 ⇒ 60
LoL 14.20 System Nerfs

- Armor: 80 ⇒ 75
- Thorns: 15 (+15% Bonus Armor) ⇒ 20 (+10% Bonus Armor)

Statikk Shiv
- Attack Speed: 40% ⇒ 35%

Luden's Companion
- Fire Damage: 60 (+4% AP) ⇒ 75 (+5% AP)
- Repeated Fire Damage: 50% of initial damage ⇒ 20% of initial damage
- Maximum Single Target Damage: 210 (+14% AP) ⇒ 150 (+10% AP)

Fated Ashes
- Damage per Second to Monsters: 25 ⇒ 20

Liandry's Torment
- Damage per Second Monster Cap: 50 ⇒ 40

Storm Surge
- Ability Power: 95 ⇒ 90
- Squall Damage: 150 (+15% AP) ⇒ 125 (+10% AP)

Essence Reaver
- Item Recipe: B.F. Sword + Caulfield’s Warhammer + Cloak of Agility ⇒ Pickaxe + Caulfield’s Warhammer + Cloak of Agility
- Price: 3150 ⇒ 2900 gold
- Attack Damage: 65 ⇒ 60
- Ability Haste: 20 ⇒ 15

Grasp of the Undying
- Healing: 3 + (1.2% max health) ⇒ 1.3% max health (breaks even at 3000 max health)
- Max Health per Stack: 7/4 ⇒ 5 (melee) / 3 (ranged)
LoL 14.20 ARAM Changes

- Gwen: Damage Dealt: 100% ⇒ 105%
- Miss Fortune: Damage Taken: 110% ⇒ 105%
- Nami: Healing Received: 90% ⇒ 100%
- Nilah: Damage Dealt: 95% ⇒ 100%
- Samira: Damage Dealt: 98% ⇒ 100%
- Senna: Damage Dealt: 94% ⇒ 97%
- Seraphine: Damage Dealt: 85% ⇒ 90%
- Smolder: Damage Taken: 105% ⇒ 102%
- Zeri: Damage Taken: 100% ⇒ 95%
- Ahri: Damage Dealt: 100% ⇒ 97%; Healing Received: 100% ⇒ 90%
- Leona: Damage Taken: 100% ⇒ 105%; Damage Dealt: 90% ⇒ 95%
Items (ARAM Only)
- Statikk Shiv: Damage Dealt to Champions: 270 ⇒ 160; added a 3 second cooldown to Electroshock
- Stormsurge: Squall Damage: 100 (+15% AP) ⇒ 125 (+10% AP); ARAM specific changes have been removed
- Sundered Sky: Healing: 120% Base AD (+ 4% missing health) ⇒ 100% Base AD (+6% missing HP); ARAM specific changes have been removed
Ultimate Spellbook

- The stat boost given for Swapping Ulternate Summoners was over-performing, especially for bruisers and tanks. In a micropatch we made some first pass adjustments, but we want to differentiate the stats you gain from swapping from the stat boost we give to less aggressive ultimates.
- Swap bonus armor max scaling by level decreased from 35 to 20
- Swap bonus magic resist max scaling by level decreased from 35 to 20
- Swap bonus adaptive force max scaling by level decreased from 35 to 20
Bugfixes and QoL Changes
- Hwei had some issues with Ulternates, so he’s joining the party a bit late. Hwei has been enabled for Ultimate Spellbook!
- Xerath’s Ulternate now scales properly with AP/AD.
- Champions dying in multiple layered Mordekaiser Death Realms now leave the Death Realm properly.
- Certain champions are no longer unable to cast specific abilities after using Aurora Ulternate is fixed.
- Certain spells are no longer being canceled when cast during certain Ulternates.
- Fizz spirit no longer faces the wrong direction when casting Fizz Ulternate.
- Lucian’s Ulternate cooldown now properly reduces with levels 11 and 16.
- Champions who cast Smolder’s Ulternate are no longer temporarily not rendered (invisible).
- Reconnecting during certain UI loading times no longer causes a broken Ulternate icon with potentially broken behavior.
- Fixed multiple VFX and SFX issues with Ulternate spells.
- Lissandra Ulternate now properly consumes ammo on cast.
Worlds 2024 Clash

- Basic Ticket: 0W, 3L: 3 Win XP Boost, 1 Mystery Icon, 1 Clash Logo
- Basic Ticket: 1W, 3L: 1 Mystery Emote, 640 Ward Skin, 1 Clash Logo
- Basic Ticket: 2W, 2L: 640 Ward Skin, 975 Skin Shard,1 Mystery Icon, 1 Mystery Emote, 1 Clash Logo, 1 Basic Ticket
- Basic Ticket: 3W, 1L: 640 Ward Skin, 975 Skin Shard, 1350 Skin Shard, 1 Mystery Icon, 1 Mystery Emote, 1 Chibi Icon, 1 Clash Logo, 1 Basic Ticket
- Basic Ticket: [World's Clash ONLY] 4W: 640 Ward Skin, 975 Skin Shard, 1350 Skin Shard, 1 Mystery Icon, 1 Mystery Emote, 1 Chibi Icon, 1 Clash Logo, 1 Basic Ticket, Worlds Orb
- Premium Ticket: 0W, 3L: 1 Basic Ticket, 500 OE, 750 Skin Shard, 1 Logo
- Premium Ticket: 1W, 3L: 1 Basic Ticket, 500 OE, 750 Skin Shard, 975 Skin Shard, 1350 Skin Shard, 1 Logo
- Premium Ticket: 2W, 2L: 1 Basic Ticket, 750 OE, 750 Skin Shard, 975 Skin Shard, 1350 Skin Shard, 1820 Skin Shard, 1 Logo
- Premium Ticket: 3W, 1L: 1 Basic Ticket, 750 OE, 750 Skin Shard, 975 Skin Shard, 1350 Skin Shard, 1820 Skin Shard,1 Chibi Icon, 10 Mythic Essence, 1350 Skin, 1 Logo
- Premium Ticket: [World's Clash ONLY] 4W: 1 Basic Ticket, 750 OE, 750 Skin Shard, 975 Skin Shard, 1350 Skin Shard, 1820 Skin Shard,1 Chibi Icon, 10 Mythic Essence, 1350 Skin, 1 Logo, Worlds Orb
We fixed a configuration issue that we accidentally granted some extra progress for Split 3 challenges for players. Affected players might see their Split 3 seasonal challenge progress not progressing for a while until they pass the extra progress we granted.
Mythic Shop Rotation

Now Available
- Prestige Broken Covenant Miss Fortune
- Prestige Soul Fighter Shaco
- Prestige Valiant Sword Riven
- Prestige Spirit Blossom Teemo
- Prestige Nightbringer Lee Sin
- Prestige Anima Squad Jinx
Leaving the Mythic Shop
- Prestige Star Guardian Soraka
- Prestige High Noon Talon
- Prestige Obsidian Dragon Sett
- Prestige K/DA Akali
- Prestige T1 Jayce
Bugfixes & QoL Changes

- Fixed a bug that caused Elise’s spiderlings to get executed by attacks and abilities from Epic monsters. Poor lil spiders.
- Fixed a bug that caused Viego to lose health when possessing a champion if he was holding a biscuit.
- Fixed a bug that caused Pyke to lose health upon using a biscuit.
- Fixed a bug that caused Elise’s W to not prioritize targeting enemy champions.
- Fixed a bug that caused Lethal Tempo projectiles to destroy spell shields.
- Fixed a bug that caused various buff and effects to count towards Spear of Shojin stacks.
- Fixed a bug that caused spam clicking to queue up items to buy duplicate components.
- Fixed a bug that caused Ryze’s Q and E to deal damage when breaking a spell shield.
- Fixed a bug that caused Stattik Shiv to hit all units if the user is Berserked.
- Fixed a bug that caused bonus damage from Lethal temp to activate multiple times on the primary target of Shyvana’s Q when hitting multiple champions in Dragon form.
- Fixed a bug that caused Lethal Tempo to not gain stacks when attacking champion clones.
- Fixed a bug that caused Sion to fully charge his Q upon respawning.
- Fixed a bug that caused Viego’s W to automatically cast after casting his R while possessed.
- Fixed a bug that caused Yun Tal Wildarrows to not apply the bleed correctly to Akshan’s additional passive auto attack.
- Fixed a bug that caused Janna’s E cooldown to be lowered by red buff empowered auto attacks.
Upcoming Skins & Chromas
Music Fan Gragas, Cosplayer Neeko, & Esports Fan Trundle

Genesis Nightbringer Yasuo

Ann-Sivir-sary (via missions)

And that covers all of the changes coming to League of Legends. Some new skins, champions, and system balancing. The return of a fan-favorite game mode, all neatly wrapped in the bombshell that is the most exciting bit, namely the Teemo ASU. Long live the demon king. Having said that, you can check out the official patch notes by clicking the link, here.