The latest League of Legends patch notes preview has been shared by Matt Leung-Harrison on X. The devs usually post the upcoming changes coming to LoL so that we can get a headstart as to what we can expect in the next patch. With that being said, League of Legends Patch 25.6 is looking to be very interesting balance-wise.
The dev team constantly pushes updates to champions as well as in-game systems such as runes, items, or other aspects of League of Legends to ensure that the meta remains fun and fair as much as possible. With so many champions to work around, it can be quite difficult to manage everything, however, the community is constantly providing feedback to ensure that both the casual and competitive scenes remain in a good spot.
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League of Legends 25.6 (15.6) Patch Notes

We will take a look at some of the upcoming League of Legends Patch 25.6 adjustments as presented by @RiotPhroxzon, here.
LoL 25.6 (15.6) Champion Buffs

Lunge (Q)
- Mana: 20/25/30/35/40 ⇒ 20

Dragon Strike (Q)
- Damage: 80/120/160/200/240 (+140% bonus AD) ⇒ 90/130/170/210/250 (+145% bonus AD)

Whisper (Passive)
- Bonus %AD increased from 4-44% (.3% per 1% crit) (+.25% per 1% bonus AS) ⇒ 4-44% (+.35% per 1% crit) (+.3% per 1% bonus AS)

Base Stats
- Armor: 25 ⇒ 27
- HP Regen: 3.5 ⇒ 4

Killer Instinct (R)
- Cooldown: 130/100/70 seconds ⇒ 120/90/60 seconds

Unseen Threat (Passive)
- Damage: 14-116 (+40% bonus AD) ⇒ 17-136 (+50% bonus AD)

Leap (E)
- Damage: 65/100/135/170/205 (+20% bonus AD) ⇒ 65/100/135/170/205 (+40% bonus AD)

Swirlseed (E)
- Cooldown: 14 seconds ⇒ 12 seconds
- Damage: 60/85/110/135/160 (+50% AP) ⇒ 60/85/110/135/160 (+60% AP)

Relentless Pursuit (E)
- Cooldown: 19/17.75/16.5/15.25/14 seconds ⇒ 16/15.5/15/14.5/14 seconds

Hammer Shock (Q)
- Damage Non-Champion Cap: 50/80/110/140/170 ⇒ 75/105/135/165/195

Achooo! (W)
- Hit Damage: 30/50/70/90/110 ⇒ 60/70/80/90/100
- Explosion Damage: 30/50/70/90/110 (+60% bonus AD) ⇒ 10/35/60/85/110 (+65% bonus AD)

Flap, Flap, Flap (E)
- Damage: 5/10/15/20/25 (+25% total AD) ⇒ 10/15/20/25/30 (+30% total AD)

- Cooldown: 120 seconds ⇒ 120/110/100 seconds

Base Stats
- Armor: 21 ⇒ 24

Three Talon Strike (Q)
- Bonus Damage: 16/29/42/55/68 ⇒ 20/35/50/65/80
LoL 25.6 (15.6) Champion Nerfs

Yordle Snap Trap (W)
- Bonus Damage: 40/85/130/175/220 (+40% bonus AD) ⇒ 35/80/125/170/215 (+30% bonus AD)

Base Stats
- Armor: 30 ⇒ 27

Hemorrhage (Passive)
- Monster Modifier: 300% ⇒ 200%

League of Draven (Passive)
- [REMOVED] No longer generates 2 Adoration for 6 consecutive last hits

Base Stats
- Armor Growth: 4.7 ⇒ 4.2

Judgment (E)
- Damage on Crit: 175% (215% Infinity Edge) ⇒ 150% (190% Infinity Edge)

Super Mega Death Rocket! (R)
- Damage: 325/475/625 (+1.65 bonus AD) ⇒ 300/450/600 (+1.55 bonus AD)

Inner Flame (Q)
- Damage: 70/120/170/220/270 ⇒ 60/110/160/210/260

Mourning Mist (E)
- Monster Cap: 300 ⇒ 70/105/140/175/210
LoL 25.6 (15.6) Champion Adjustments

Base Stats
- Health: 620 ⇒ 650
- Health Growth: 115 ⇒ 110

Thousand Cuts (Passive)
- Damage: 1% (+.006% AP) ⇒ 1% (+.0055% AP)
- Monster Cap: 10 (+15% AP) ⇒ 5 (+15% AP)

Snip Snip! (Q)
- Big Snip Damage: 60/85/110/135/160 ⇒ 70/95/120/145/170

Hallowed Mist (W)
- Base Resists: 22/24/26/28/30(+7% AP) ⇒ 25 (+5% AP)

Skip 'n Slash (E)
- Cooldown: 13/12.5/12/11.5/11 seconds ⇒ 12/11/10/9/8 seconds
- Cooldown Refund: 25/35/45/55/65% ⇒ 50%
- AP Ratio: (+20% AP) ⇒ (+25% AP)

Needlework (R)
- Damage per hit: 35/65/95 (+10% AP) ⇒ 30/60/90 (+8% AP)
- Slow: 40/50/60% ⇒ 60%
- Reduced Slow: 15/20/25% ⇒ 25%

Base Stats
- Armor Growth: 4.7 ⇒ 4.2

Alpha Strike (Q)
- Crit Damage: 131% (161% Infinity Edge) ⇒ 175% (215% Infinity Edge)

- W and R have swapped places
- New W now provides 1s of untargetability
- Lots of number changes

Base Stats
- Health Growth: 99 ⇒ 96
- Attack Speed: 0.625 ⇒ 0.7

Poison Trail (Q)
- [NEW] Now grants kill credit against affected minions if they are about to die to minion damage

Fling (E)
- AP Ration: (+60% AP) ⇒ (+55% AP)
LoL 25.6 (15.6) System Buffs


Warmog's Armor
- Item HP Multiplier: 10% ⇒ 12%
- Cost: 3300 ⇒ 3100
LoL 25.6 (15.6) System Adjustments

Anti-Lane Swap
- Activation Time: 90 seconds ⇒ 95 seconds
- Top Lane End Time: 3:30 ⇒ 3:15
- Mid Lane End Time: 3:30 ⇒ 2:15
- Minion Penalty: 50% ⇒ 25%
Losing Team Bounties
- Activation Time: 14 min ⇒ 6 min
- Deficit Required reduced by 50%
- Suppression Potency increased by 50%

Serylda's Grudge
- Armor Penetration: 30% ⇒ 35%
- Ability Haste: 20 ⇒ 15
And that concludes what we can expect to change in the next patch as presented by the League of Legends devs.