LoL: First Official Aurora Trailer & Splash Art

League of Legends is gearing up for the release of a new champion.

LoL: First Offical Aurora Trailer & Splash Art
Riot Games

League of Legends is getting ready to introduce a brand new champion to the game - Aurora. Today, Riot Games released her trailer. There have been many leaks so far, so this doesn't come as a surprise. Here's everything we know so far about her:

Hey, this article is old and some of the information in it is outdated! Check out our most recent article about Aurora and her abilities, now that information has been released by Riot Games.

Who's Aurora in League of Legends and Splash Art

Aurora LoL Splash Art
Riot Games

Aurora is the new LoL champion, also called The Witch Between Worlds. Her powers will likely be related to evoking spirits, judging by the short teaser trailer released by Riot Games. Aurora is a mage champion, designed for the top lane in League of Legends. The interesting thing here is that, while most mages typically play in the mid-lane, this one will find herself against the tanks. However, it is very possible that she will be a viable mid-lane choice as well.

Aurora is a Brini Vastaya, a race of magical demihumans with rabbit features. She's also a Freljordian, as we know from the mini-game in which she befriended Ornn.



Probable Aurora Abilities and Ultimate

Aurora Ult Ability

Aurora’s abilities are still unknown. However, leakers have shared that one of her skills will most likely be called "Exorcist" or "Exorcism." During her ultimate ability, she transforms, starts to glow, and takes on a spirit-like form, while trapping the enemy in an Ult similar to Morde and Camille's. 

Since this article has been posted there have been new leaks about Aurora's abilities. Read more about them here.



Possible Aurora Skins

Aurora LoL
Riot Games

Aurora is heavily rumored to get her first skin during the Anima Squad event, most likely a bunny mecha suit. Read more about the upcoming summer event here.


  • New Top Laner Mage: Aurora is a new mage champion, designed primarily for the top lane but possibly viable in mid-lane as well.
  • Abilities and Ultimate: She will get her powers from the Spirit Realm. Leakers suggest there will be an ability possibly called "Exorcist" or "Exorcism." Her ultimate involves transforming into a more evil spirit-like form, glowing intensely.
  • Background: Brini Vastaya from the Freljord, who's friends with Ornn.

That's everything we know about Aurora so far! Stay tuned; we'll keep you updated.
