LoL Season 14: All Major Changes You Should Know About

We will briefly go over all of the important changes in League of Legends Season 14 you should know about. 

LoL Season 14: All Major Changes You Should Know About
Riot Games

League of Legends Season 14 is one of the most ambitious from Riot Games as it will include a plethora of changes that will massively impact the gameplay, meta, and all-around feeling of LoL as a whole. 

Season 14 will bring with it changes to the map terrain, completely new items, and changes to current ones, along with new and updated neutral objectives, a new Ranked MMR system, a new Mastery system, new champions, and much more! 

We have gathered all of the most important stuff you should know before you start playing in Season 2024 so buckle up and enjoy the chaos that will ensue once Patch 14.1 hits live servers. 

LoL Season 14 All Major Changes
Riot Games



LoL Season 14 New Map Terrain

New LoL Map Season 14
Riot Games

One of the most staggering changes that will be hitting Summoner's Rift will be a new and revamped map that will completely shift the game on its head. The jungle and all lanes have been updated to accommodate wider river entrances with some very notable changes around the Baron Pit as well. For a more in-depth review of all of the changes, make sure to check our complete map rundown, here.

LoL Season 14 Map
Riot Games



LoL Season 14 New Items

Along with the new map terrain changes, a lot of items are either getting removed, or updated, and of course, new items are being added as well. Another very crucial thing is that Mythic items will no longer be in the game so you will be able to build any item you choose without being restricted.

Terminus Item



  • Total Cost: 3000 gold
  • Item Recipe: Recurve + B.F. Sword + Dagger + 700 gold
  • 40 Attack Damage
  • 30% Attack Speed
  • Passive - Shadow: Attacks apply 30 magic damage on-hit.
  • Passive - Juxtaposition: Alternate between Light and Dark on-hits each attack. Light attacks grant 3-5 armor and magic resist (up to 15-25) for 5 seconds. Dark attacks grant 6% armor penetration and magic penetration (up to 30%) for 5 seconds.
Hubris Item



  • Total Cost: 3000 gold
  • Item Recipe: Serrated Dirk + Caulfield's Warhammer + 900 gold
  • 60 Attack Damage
  • 18 Lethality
  • 15 Ability Haste
  • Passive - Ego: When you kill an enemy champion you are granted a statue of yourself, if you already have a statue this statue upgrades.
  • Passive - Eminence: When a champion that you have damaged within the last 3 seconds dies, gain 10 (+1 per rank of Statue) Attack Damage for 60 seconds.
Hollow Radiance Item


Hollow Radiance

  • Total Cost: 2800 gold
  • Item Recipe: Bami's Cinder + Spectre's Cowl + 550 gold
  • 600 Health
  • 40 Magic Resistance
  • 100% Base Health Regeneration
  • Passive - Immolate: Taking or dealing damage causes you to begin dealing 10 (+1.75% bonus health) magic damage per second to nearby enemies (increased by 25% against minions) for 3 seconds. Taking or dealing damage refreshes the duration of this effect.
  • Passive - Desolate: Killing an enemy (non-ward, non-structure) deals 20 (+3.5% bonus health) magic damage in an area around them.
Stormsurge Item


  • Total Cost: 2900 gold
  • Item Recipe: Hextech Alternator + Aether Wisp + 950 gold
  • 100 Ability Power
  • 10 Magic Penetration
  • 5% Movement Speed
  • Passive - Stormraider: Dealing 35% of a champion's maximum health within 3 seconds applies Stormsurge to them and grants the user 25% movement speed for 2 seconds. 30 second cooldown.
  • Passive - Stormsurge: After 2 seconds, Stormsurge strikes the target with lightning, dealing 120-260 (based on level) (+ 40% AP) (melee) / 90-195 (+ 30% AP) (ranged) magic damage to them. If they die to the lightning or before the lightning strikes, it detonates immediately in a large area around them and you gain 30 gold.

Along with some incredibly overpowered on-hit items, there are also new mage, assassin, tank, bruiser, and support items that will change how you play League of Legends dramatically. For a full rundown of all item changes, make sure to read our article, here.



LoL Season 14 New Objectives

Not only are we getting tons of new items, but some of the neutral objectives have been changed along with adding a brand new camp (Voidgrubs) that replaces one of the Herald spawns. 

LoL Season 14 Voidgrubs
Riot Games

Baron Nashor will also have 3 separate forms that can spawn. All 3 of the variants change the map terrain according to the type but Baron remains the same in all other aspects.

LoL Season 14 Baron Nashor
Riot Games

Not only will Baron change the map layout in every game, but the Blue, Red buffs, and Scuttle Crab will also become altered after Baron has spawned on the map. 

LoL Season 14 Blue Buff
Riot Games

The Rift Herald will also be quite different in Season 14 League of Legends as you will be able to pilot Shelly and make her crash into enemy structures.

You can read all of the changes that will be coming to Summoner's Rift by reviewing our in-depth article, here



LoL Season 14 New Ranked MMR System

Riot Games is looking to change up the Ranked MMR System in Season 14. According to recent information, the devs are considering revamping their system by then later moving on to the TrueSkill 2 System that helps determine rank and competitive placement. LP gain and loss will be addressed in these new systems so that players do not feel cheated out of their ranks.

Another aspect to playing Ranked matches is getting teammates that are of the same skill, however, Rioters have always struggled with keeping smurfs to a minimum whilst other players are forever stuck in ELO Hells. For more information, make sure to check out our respective article, here.

LoL Season 14 New Mastery System

For all of the one-tricks out there, Riot is also looking to revamp the current champion mastery system as shared in their dev update video recently. Some of the most important aspects of this system will be the removal of the mastery cap, along with earning even more rewards for your commitment to mastering certain champions.

For more information, make sure to review our article, here.




A lot of fun and exciting changes are coming to Summoner's Rift in Season 2024 of League of Legends. New map terrain changes, item overhaul, neutral objective changes, and system changes among other things will surely make this year of League of Legends something to keep your eyes on. 

The meta will possibly drastically shift, with players starting to focus more on securing neutral objectives instead of going for lane leads, and junglers will have an even harder time ganking lanes so we can expect a lot of early-game skirmishes around the Voidgrubs and Herald.

Overall, these new changes should slow down the pace of the game, and provide even more chances for losing teams to make a comeback, thus resulting in even more nail-biting matches for both casual and competitive players. If you would like to prepare for the new Ranked season, then we recommend watching our in-depth video on how you can easily get LP and MMR in Season 14:
