League of Legends will be launching its brand new season shortly, and with it come a lot of updates to the game. Map terrain changes, neutral objective changes, and new items to name a few. The meta will drastically change, especially when taking into consideration the macro decisions players will need to take, which might result in slower games overall.
It looks like Rioters are asking players on Twitter for feedback regarding bug fixes or QoL improvements to certain champions. Riot Phlox even provided a sneak peek as to what changes we might expect in Season 14 Patch 14.1.

LoL Patch 14.1 QoL Changes
Here are some of the small updates we can expect to see in the next patch. Patch 14.1 is set to release on January 10th, 2024 as per Riot Games' patch schedule.


Terrashape (W)
- WQ fast buffer no longer sends Q to 0.0.0.

Supreme Display of Talent (R)
- Knockback duration increased slightly to reduce the chances of R knockback not overlapping with wall stun.


Bio-Arcane Barrage (W)
- No longer cancels auto attacks when the buff ends.


Pop Blossom (R)
- No longer moves people out of stun range.

- No longer reveals Neeko when she's disguised.

Dark Harvest
- No longer reveals Neeko when she's disguised.


Hallucinate (R)
- Clone now spawns with the same mana as Shaco, copies the jungle mana regeneration (if Shaco is a jungler), and will mirror spell animations and recall visuals.


Realm of Death (R)
- No longer brings Akali's Twilight Shroud (W) ability when in Mordekaiser's dimension.

Jarvan IV

Cataclysm (R)
- The R2 lockout has been lowered: 1s --> 0.75s
Community Feedback Regarding QoL Changes
A lot of players were quick to jump in and give helpful feedback regarding champions League of Legends is no stranger to bug fixes and the need for improvement to gameplay systems and triggers.
It is great to see that Rioters are taking the steps not only to release new content but also to take into consideration their vast number of champions that still need some tweaks and major fixes to make them playable without causing unnecessary frustration.