Once Human - How To Trade With Other Players

Are you trying to find out how to trade in Once Human? Don't worry, this guide will show you how to trade with others by using a Vending Machine!

Once Human - How To Trade With Other Players
Starry Studio

Surviving in Once Human is not an easy task. You need lots of food, resources, and recipes to move around safely and protect yourself from enemies.

One of the most important aspects of the game is trading with other players. That's why we made a guide to help you exchange items with your fellow meta-humans by using the Vending Machine. We'll go over how you can trade with others, how to get a Vending Machine, and how to set it up!



Once Human How To Trade With Others

Once Human - How To Trade With Other Players
Starry Studio

To trade with other players in Once Human, you need to have a Vending Machine. Interacting with it is how you advertise all the items you own and intend to trade. This attracts other players and ensures successful transactions.

However, building and setting up a Vending Machine requires you to gather certain materials first. Here's what you need to know about getting and using this key item.



Once Human How To Get A Vending Machine

Once Human - How To Trade With Other Players
Starry Studio

If you want to obtain a Vending Machine, unlock the Memetic for it from the Cradle menu. Next, follow these steps:

  • Press Tab and select Cradle
  • Click on Memetics and go to the Logistics tab
  • Look for the Vending Machine Memetic under Level 3

Keep in mind that this is an independent Memetic, and you don't need to unlock any prerequisite branches for it. Additionally, make sure you have five Ciphers and 700 Energy Links since you cannot get the Vending Machine without them.



Once Human How To Set Up A Vending Machine

Once Human - How To Trade With Other Players
Starry Studio

Once you've unlocked the Memetic, open the Build Menu and select Function Tab, then Function Facilities. Click on the Vending Machine and choose the building location. You will also need two watts of electricity, so it's best to have a Solar Generator and connected wires to make the Machine function. Here are the additional materials you have to obtain:

Material Amount
Steel Ingot 20
Copper Ingot 10
Electronic Parts 3
Standard Parts 8
Glass 6

We recommend placing the Vending Machine in front of your house to make it easier for other players to find it. When you want to trade, interact with the Vending Machine by pressing F and selecting the items you want to get rid of. You can also trade items for Energy Links. If you're feeling creative, consider adding a slogan to advertise your items. For more information about Once Human, you can check out this article.
