Where and How to Catch Suzaku in Palworld?

Learn the precise location and best tactics to capture Suzaku for your collection in Palworld along with the Pal breeding combinations.

Palworld Guide: Where and How to Catch Suzaku in Palworld?
Palworld Guide: Where and How to Catch Suzaku in Palworld?

The fiery Suzaku stands among Palworld's most coveted creatures. Its scorching abilities and invaluable crafting drops compel players to brave intense desert heat seeking this elusive find. Fortunately, focused hunting guided by battlefield strategy and breeding finesse can secure this blazing Pal. In this article, you will find all the information you need to know about where and how to catch Suzaku in Palworld along with breeding combinations.

Where to Find Suzaku in Palworld?

Where to Find Suzaku in Palworld?
Where to Find Suzaku in Palworld?

Suzaku spawns in Palworld's northeastern desert, preferring the Duneshelter region's sandswept dunes. It appears more frequently during daylight hours so concentrate search efforts then.

Assemble a team with water types to counter Suzaku’s Fire affinity, and health/defense-oriented Pals to withstand ambushes. 



How to Catch Suzaku in Palworld?

How to Catch Suzaku in Palworld?
How to Catch Suzaku in Palworld?

Suzaku's Fire-type leaves it vulnerable to Water abilities. Equip Aquatic Pals with water techniques to wear down its defenses. Equip Pals like Jormuntide, Penking, Surfent, Suzaku Aqua, and Broncherry Aqua to easily counter Suzaku. 

Once a Suzaku is spotted, try damaging the Pal from a distance with the help of long-range weapons. Further, weaken it with the help of a Water Pal.



How to Breed Suzaku in Palworld?

Pal Name Breeding Combination  Parent 1  Parent 2 

Cryolinx + Blazamut

download__25_-removebg-preview.png Blazamut-1
Cryolinx + Suzaku download__25_-removebg-preview.png Suzaku
Cryolinx + Suzaku Aqua download__25_-removebg-preview.png Suzaku-aqua
Blazamut + Astegon  Blazamut-1  Astegon
Blazamut + Suzaku  Blazamut-1 Suzaku 
Astegon + Suzaku Astegon   Suzaku
Suzaku + Suzaku  Suzaku  Suzaku

Now you know everything you need to do to catch Suzaku in Palworld, so go out there and prove your dominance over this Fiery Pal. 

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