Where to Find and Capture Beakon in Palworld

In this article you will find all the information you need to know on how to find and catch Beakon in Palworld along with the best breeding combinations.

Palworld Guide: Where to Find and Capture Beakon in Palworld
Palworld Guide: Where to Find and Capture Beakon in Palworld

The Electric creature Beakon offers great utility in Palworld as both a formidable fighter and airborne mount. However, pinpointing the elusive flyer takes some luck and strategy. This guide provides Beakon's prime locations and effective tips to catch this roaming powerhouse.

Where to Find Beakon in Palworld?

Beakon Location in Palworld
Beakon Location in Palworld

While an uncommon encounter, players can discover wild Beakon soaring over specific parts of the map. Its natural spawns center around Palworld's northeast desert region, often flying high over the dunes.

The Deep Sand Dunes fast travel point offers a likely starting spot to scout this aerial ace. Scour the skylines north and west of this marker at coordinates like (528, 531) and (496, 516).

Venturing closer to the coast may also yield sightings, but look out for dangerous high-level Pals prowling those areas as well.

Beyond random open-world appearances, players can find special Beakon boss variants inside cave hotspots harboring dangerous Alpha predators for those daring enough to survive their dungeon domains.





How to Catch Beakon in Palworld?

How to Catch Beakon in Palworld?
How to Catch Beakon in Palworld?

Once spotted, Beakon presents a challenge to snag since they remain airborne. Come packing robust ranged attacks and flying mounts to stand the best chance of taking them down.

As an Electric creature, Beakon shows vulnerability to Ground-type abilities. Bringing Ground Pals like Digitoise, or Anubis provides a counter-element edge to overpower its lightning strikes during showdowns.

Knock away Beakon's health until an opening allows hurling capture spheres without retaliation knocking them back. Even Giga Spheres may initially break, demanding persistence combined with luck to successfully subdue resilient airborne adversaries.





Breeding Combinations for Beakon in Palworld

Pal Name Breeding Combination  Parent 1  Parent 2 

Mossanda + Elizabee

Mossanda-1 download__24_-removebg-preview.png

Nitewing + Elizabee

download__16_-removebg-preview.png download__24_-removebg-preview.png

Nitewing + Pyrin

download__16_-removebg-preview.png Pyrin_icon

Sweepa + Pyrin

Sweepa Pyrin_icon

Penking + Pyrin Noct

Penking-1 Pyrin Noct

Penking + Menasting

Penking-1 Menasting

Mossanda + Reptyro

Mossanda-1 Reptyro





Checking incubated eggs from Electric hereditary lines can also sometimes yield Beakon offspring if fortune allows. But pursuing these lightning falcons in their natural untamed state remains the most reliable road to acquiring the high-flying Beakon.

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