The typical gameplay loop of most survival games usually involves gathering resources and building structures, which, in turn, unlocks ways to gather higher-quality resources, and you get the point. While Palworld has a ton of different mechanics surrounding the various interactions with your Pals, its survival crafting mechanics are quite similar to other titles of the same genre. One of the main ways to progress through Palworld is by acquiring and using Technology Points. In this article, we are going to explain what these Technology Points are and how you can get more of them.

What Are Technology Points in Palworld?
Technology Points in Palworld are going to be one of your main forms of progression. From the Technology menu, you are going to be able to unlock most, if not all, of the different tools and structures that can be crafted in the game. Weapons and different utility items can also be unlocked through this menu, making it one of the main things you should focus on once you start playing the game.
All of these different technologies are gated by the level of your character, and in order to unlock them, you are going to need to spend Technology Points.

How to Get More Technology Points in Palworld
There are only a few ways to earn Technology Points in Palworld. One of the ways is by leveling up your character. The best ways to level up in Palworld is by capturing different Pals, and keep in mind that you will receive a huge experience bonus once you capture 10 of the same Pal. You can also earn experience by doing most of the mundane tasks within the game, including gathering and crafting.
The other way of earning more Technology Points is by exploring the map and finding the different fast travel points scattered throughout the world. Unlocking each of them is going to award you with one Technology Point, which you will be able to use to get new recipes.

That is everything you need to know about how Technology works in Palworld, as well as the best ways to earn more Technology Points. Hopefully, this guide has helped you unlock some new crafting recipes so you can quickly progress through the rest of the game. For more Palworld guides and news, make sure to check out the rest of our website!