Rhaenyra and Mysaria’s Relationship Explained. How is it Different in HOTD Season 2?

Check out the full explanation of this budding relationship and how it progresses in the Fire & Blood books in this article!

Rhaenyra and Mysaria’s Relationship Explained. How is it Different in HOTD Season 2?

HBO’s hit show House of the Dragon is inching closer to the end of its second season. With the tensions of the war between the Blacks and the Greens rising, very few people expected the kiss that came in the sixth episode in a seemingly unimportant scene between Queen Rhaenyra Targaryen and her servant and advisor Mysaria. In this article, you will learn everything you need to know about the buildup to this moment in House of the Dragon and what happens to this relationship in the books it is based on!


Rhaenyra and Mysaria’s Relationship in HotD

Rhaenyra and Mysaria’s Relationship Explained. How is it Different in HOTD Season 2?

This relationship is built on contrast, as shown in the scene where Rhaenyra and Mysaria kiss. The former is a queen, born into the noble House Targaryen as the daughter of King Viserys and a dragon rider. Even though she struggles to keep her claim to the throne because she is female, Rhaenyra has always been incredibly wealthy and respected due to her heritage. She always got what she desired, whether it be men, gold, or power.

This is the complete opposite for Mysaria. She had to fight for everything she ever had. Her past was kept mysterious for most of the show. We see her climb from being a prostitute, playing the role of Daemon’s wife, to a brothel proprietor, then becoming a valuable information broker under the name White Worm, and finally being Queen Rhaenyra’s personal advisor. Right before the famous kiss, we learn that Mysaria had a terrible childhood where she was abused by her own father. This led to her getting pregnant and having her throat cut by him.


Rhaenyra and Mysaria’s Relationship Explained. How is it Different in HOTD Season 2?

We know little of the thoughts of the two women and how long their feelings had been brewing before their passion took hold of them. Fans speculate that Rhaenyra, even though only ever dating and being shown with men, has been bisexual throughout her life. This claim is backed by her attitude towards Alicent when they were young and her acceptance of one of her husbands’ homosexuality. Mysaria, on the other hand, has never shown anybody except Rhaenyra that level of closeness and care.

These factors, combined with both of them being alone at the time due to the disappearance of Rhaenyra’s husband Daemon, led to their controversial passionate kiss in episode six. We don’t know whether things would have escalated further if they hadn’t been cut off or if they had already been involved behind the scenes, but we are sure to find out in the upcoming episodes.


Rhaenyra and Mysaria’s Relationship in the Books

Rhaenyra and Mysaria’s Relationship Explained. How is it Different in HOTD Season 2?

In the Fire and Blood books, the relationship between Rhaenyra Targaryen and Mysaria is much more political than personal. Mysaria, nicknamed "Misery" or the "White Worm" due to her albino, pale skin, and mysterious persona, starts as a dancer, which leads her to become Prince Daemon Targaryen's lover. This affair causes a lot of tension when Mysaria becomes pregnant with a Targaryen child and receives a dragon egg, leading King Viserys to issue an order for her removal and her tragic miscarriage at sea.

During the Dance of the Dragons, Mysaria becomes an important player as Daemon's Mistress of Whisperers. Unlike the TV show, where her bond with Rhaenyra appears more personal, the books depict a relationship based on mutual political benefit. Despite that, fans still have lingering suspicions about book Rhaenyra’s intentions. Some point out that the Queen had an unusual amount of trust towards Mysaria, going to extremes like allowing her to sleep with her husband and turning against Corlys based solely on the White Worm’s words.

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