Super Mario RPG is finally out, and within it, players can find a wide array of different boss fights to challenge them on their adventure through the Mushroom Kingdom. Some of these bosses you will encounter naturally in your playthrough, while others are hidden and will require a keen eye and some preparation.
One of these bosses is Culex 3D. This boss can only be found after beating the main story of the game and is the most challenging encounter in the entire game. In this guide, we will go through how you can unlock him, where he is located, and provide some tips and tricks for defeating him.

Find the Extra Shiny Stone:
In order to be able to find and fight Culex 3D, players will have to find the Extra Shiny Stone first. This item can be obtained in the post-game rematch against the Duel-Ready Johnny boss fight. This is an encounter in which Mario will fight Johnny in a 1v1 duel, while his companions cheer him on and provide him with buffs.

The rematch against Duel-Ready Johnny can be found in the Sunken Ship area in the post-game. After defeating him you will be rewarded with the Extra Shiny Stone.
Find the Monstro Town Sealed Door:
After obtaining the Extra Shiny Stone, continue your journey and travel to Monstro Town. There you will find a lot of door leading into the mountain. One of these doors is painted black and is sealed shut. When you interact with the door, you will receive a message that the Extra Shiny Stone is reacting. Using the stone on the door will open it.

Opening this door leads to the Culex 3D secret boss fight.
Fight the Culex 3D Secret Boss:
After going through the sealed door in Monstro Town, you will be greeted with a short cutscene. Following this cutscene you will engage the Culex 3D boss fight.
Culex 3D is the hardest encounter in the game, boasting and insane 9999 health. You should be adequately prepared beforehand, equiping your strongest items and bringing a lot of consumables. Culex will take turns casting big Elemental attacks, that will damage your entire party.

After defeating Culex 3D, you will be rewarded with the Crystal Shard. This item cannot be equiped and has no real other use, other than to signify that you have defeated the hardest challenge in the game. He will also be completed in the Monster List and count towards your 100% completion.
That is everything you need to know about unlocking, finding and defeating Culex 3D. Hopefully this guide has helped you defeat the ultimate challenge in Super Mario RPG. For more news and guides, check out the rest of the resources on our website.