Patch 14.3 is here and we saw some significant changes to the champions in TFT. Check out the tier list of all champions in TFT Set 10 ranked from best to worst based on the new meta.
Use this knowledge to win streak in your next TFT Set 10 play session by abusing the best comps!
TFT Set 10 Champions Tier List in Patch 14.3
These champions didn't see any changes with Patch 14.3 and they keep their spots as S-Tier picks.
Illaoi can be added to any comp no matter the synergies.
Yorick and Thresh are amazing late-game additions because of their Guardian trait and overall good stats.
We saw a lot of changes in the A-Tier with Patch 14.3. Most notable are the changes to Karthus, Zed, and Twisted Fate.
Karthus was already pretty popular in the Pentakill Karthus and Viego comp. The new changes took away some of his early-game power in favor of late-game scaling.
Zed and Twisted Fate didn't see a lot of play last patch but we expect them to pick up in popularity thanks to their interesting buffs.
Sett and Mordekaiser, which were the main tanks of several comps, got some of their damage taken away, so they fell to B-Tier.
With the buffs to Lux and Jax, and the newly established status of Zed and Zac, we might see an emergence of an EDM-based composition.
Garen got some minor buffs but he remains on the weaker side.
Olaf and Kayle received some nerfs that take even more power away from Pentakill's early game.
Vi's nerfs put her all the way down to D-Tier. Combined with the nerfs to the Punk trait, she suddenly feels very awkward to play.
Put this knowledge to good use in your upcoming TFT games! Here are some more TFT-related articles on our website that you might like:
- TFT Set 10: Best Comps in Patch 14.3
- TFT Set 10: Best Items Tier List in Patch 14.3
- TFT 14.3 Patch Notes: Heartsteel: Nerfs and System Changes