Throne and Liberty: Artifact System Explained

Here's everything you need to know about the new artifact system in TaL.

Throne and Liberty: Artifact System Explained

The latest Throne and Liberty update 2.1.0, also called Winds of Tandra, introduced lots of new content. One of the most recent features is game-changing - the Artifact System. It has a lot to do with PvP and gear progression in Throne and Liberty. In this article, we'll explain everything you need to know about the Artifact System and how to use it.



What is the Artifact System in Throne and Liberty?


You can find the Artifact System in the dedicated tab in the game menu. You'll notice there are six artifact slots, categorized as follows:

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  • Tailstone (Four slots at the corners)

  • Lunar Stone (Right slot)

  • Solar Stone (Left slot)



Artifact Rarity and Effects


Currently there are only three grades of artifacts in Throne and Liberty: Common, Uncommon, and Rare. The Rare (blue) artifacts are the best ones so far. All artifacts will give you base stats (similar to armor traits) such as evasion, heavy attack chance, and critical hit rate.

  • Tlar Stones: Provide only base stats.

  • Lunar Stone: Grants additional passive effects, such as a shield when blocking or stamina restoration when hit.

  • Solar Stone: Grants an active ability (e.g., a temporary shield or CC resistance boost), usable with a two-minute cooldown.

We need to mention that artifacts also belong to specific sets—equipping multiple pieces from the same set unlocks bonuses.



How to Get Artifacts in Throne and Liberty?

Artifacts can be obtained in two ways: Through the Abyss Dungeons and Nebula Island.

1. Abyss Dungeons

The most recent update introduces three new Abyss Dungeons. All enemies in them have a chance to drop Artifact Boxes, which contain various artifacts. Players can check dungeon loot tables to target specific artifacts before spending their Abyss Tokens.

2. Nebula Island

Nebula Island is an inter-server PvP area unlocked at level 55. Players can access it via the Lawless Wilds tab, which teleports them to the central Resistance Camp.

Get artifacts from monster drops, Nebula Recharge Stones, and Nebula Stones, which can be exchanged for additional gear and artifacts.



Final Thoughts

The Artifact System is a huge new addition to Throne and Liberty. It's definitely a game changer! Strategic gear choices are way more important now. The system will absolutely have a huge impact on the TaL meta.
