Warhammer 40K: Space Marine 2 - All Perks & Classes

In this guide, we'll list all perks that you can expect to see in Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2 and their effects.

Warhammer 40K: Space Marine 2 - All Perks & Classes
Saber Interactive

Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2 offers 6 Classes in total: Tactical, Assault, Vanguard, Bulwark, Sniper, and Heavy. Each one of them has its own perks that can make any battle feel at least slightly easier.

The best news is that Space Marine 2 has enough perks to satisfy even the pickiest fighters, so in this guide, we'll take a look at all boosts in the game and their effects.



Warhammer 40K: Space Marine 2 All Tactical Class Perks

Warhammer 40K: Space Marine 2 - All Perks & Classes
Saber Interactive

The Tactical Class is a mid-range combat style that rewards the usage of Bolt weapons. This category is very versatile, allowing you to choose between a wide range of guns. Moreover, it has a good balance between utility and firepower.

Tactical Class Core Perks

Perk Description Level
Balanced Distribution Primary Weapon deals +10% DMG, Secondary Weapon deals -10% DMG 2
Heightened Vigour Heavy Hits are controlled and you cannot get knocked back for 5s 3
Final Shot After a Finisher, Ranged Weapon reloads automatically 4
Plasma Boost When the Plasma Incinerator is 50% Overheated, you gain +30% DMG 10
Steady Aim -10% Recoil  12
Relentless Pursuit After a Gun Strike, +25% Ranged DMG for 5s 17
Kraken Penetrator Rounds Bolt Weapons penetrate +1 enemy 18
Versatility After switching Weapons, +20% DMG  19
Emperor’s Vengeance After a Majoris-level enemy kill, +1 magazine 20

Tactical Class Team Perks

Perk Description Level
Communion of Fire -20% Recoil 5
Aligned Aim +5% Ranged DMG 13
Transhuman Physiology +30% Contested Health 21

Tactical Class Gear Perks

Perk Description Level
Vital Data Scanning gives +50% Auspex Scan Charge 6
Battle Focus Perfect Parry gives a mark from Auspex Scan 7
Close Targeting +50% Melee DMG against Minoris enemies 8
Priority Targeting Auspex Scan mark lasts 8s longer 14
Improved Efficiency Scanning 20 enemies, +1 Equipment Charge 15
Expert Timing +100% DMG for marked enemies, -4s Duration 16
Target Lock +25% Equipment DMG 22
Precise Calibration +75% DMG for marked enemies 23
Concentrated Fire +100% DMG for marked enemies 24

Tactical Class Signature Perks

Perk Description Level
Signal Jammer Marked Enemies cannot call for reinforcement 9
Radiating Impact Melee Finishers deal extra DMG 17
Marked for Death Headshot kills high-level enemies marked by Auspex Scan 25



Warhammer 40K: Space Marine 2 All Assault Class Perks

Warhammer 40K: Space Marine 2 - All Perks & Classes
Saber Interactive

The Assault Class is the frontline of the team, and they use melee weapons that allow them to execute a hit-and-run tactic. These perks focus on creating a better damage output and increasing the mobility of each unit.

Assault Class Core Perks

Perk Description Level
Winged Fury +25% Melee DMG while dashing 2
Auxiliary Arsenal +15% Secondary Weapon DMG 3
Perseverance No loss of control during Heavy Hits and no knockbacks during Charged Attacks 4
Overcharge +15% Charged Attack DMG 10
Retribution +15% Melee DMG after knockback 11
Knowledge of the Enemy +15% Melle DMG against high-level enemies 12
Armour Reinforcement Non-Finisher Gin Strikes restore armor 18
Consecutive Execution Killing 15 enemies gives +1 Equipment Charge 19
Act of Attrition +10% Melee DMG 20

Assault Class Team Perks

Perk Description Level
Squad Cohesion +10% Recharge Speed 5
Strategic Strikes +20% Melee DMG 13
Proven Efficiency +50% Gun Strike DMG 21

Assault Class Gear Perks

Perk Description Level
Smiting Angel +10% Ground Pound DMG 6
Wings of Flame Jump Pack Dash damages enemies along its trajectory 7
Pride in Duty After a Finisher, +25% Ground Pound DMG for 10s 8
Hammer of Wrath No loss of control during Heavy Hits and no knockbacks during Charged Attacks 14
Maneuverability Jump Pack recharges 20% faster 15
Diligence +20% DMG for fully prepared Ground Pound 16
Precision Strike +100% DMG for Ground Pound 22
Zealous Blow +10% Charge for Jump Pack 23
Aerial Grace Perfect Dodge and a Jump Pack Dash, +25% DMG for 5s 24

Assault Class Signature Perks

Perk Description Level
Ample Ammunition Jump Pack reloads Ranged Weapon 9
Ascension Jump Pack Leap deals DMG in the takeoff area 17
Commitment Perfect Dodges restore Jump Pack's Ability Charge 25



Warhammer 40K: Space Marine 2 All Vanguard Class Perks

Warhammer 40K: Space Marine 2 - All Perks & Classes
Saber Interactive

The Vanguard Class is great at precise blows, and they use Bolt Carbines and Combat Knives. They are usually on the frontlines as well, as they can absorb insane amounts of damage.

Vanguard Class Core Perks

Perk Description Level
Moving Target Melee Attacks reduce the Ranged DMG you take by 1% 2
Duellist +50% Perfect Parry window increase 3
Retribution +20% Melee DMG after you get knocked back 4
Melee Mastery +10% Melee DMG 10
Close-Combat Focus You take 20% less Melee DMG 11
Consecutive Execution +1 Equipment Vjarge after killing 15 enemies 12
Upper Hand No loss of control during Heavy Hits and no knockbacks during Charged Attacks 18
Conviction -15% Health DMG after armor is Depleted 19
Honed Reactions Double Perfect Dodge window when Health is less than 50% 20

Vanguard Class Team Perks

Perk Description Level
Melee Champion +15% Melee DMG 5
Unmatched Zeal Restores Health 13
Inner Fire +15% Ability Charge 21

Vanguard Class Gear Perks

Perk Description Level
Restless Fortitude -10% Ranged DMG after a Diving Kick 6
Restless Fortitude Finisher with a Grapnel Launcher deals DMG 7
Thrill of the Fight -15% Health DMG after perfect Dodge 8
Shock Wave 5-metre radius Diving Kick DMG 14
Tenacity +25% Diving Kick DMG for 10s after killing 15 enemies 15
Grim Determination +10% Weapon DMG when Grapnel Launcher is in cooldown 16
Collateral Damage Diving Kick deals additional DMG 22
Tip of the Spear +15% Ranged DMG from Diving Kick 23
Combat Readiness +20% Recharge Speed for Grapnel Launcher 24

Vanguard Class Signature Perks

Perk Description Level
Tactical Prowess Finisher with a Grapnel Launcher restores Charge 9
Emperor’s Blessing Lethal DMG restores all armor 17
Adrenaline Rush Melee Kills restore 1% Health 25




Warhammer 40K: Space Marine 2 All Bulwark Class Perks

Warhammer 40K: Space Marine 2 - All Perks & Classes
Saber Interactive

The Bulwark Class serves as the Tank of the team, and they can deflect attacks like nobody's business. Their perks make them more durable, which helps them hold the line.

Bulwark Class Core Perks

Perk Description Level
Conviction -25% Health DMG when armor is fully depleted 2
Armour of Contempt Blocking a Ranged Attack damages all enemies 3
Defensive Advantage Perfect Perry creates a Shock area for 5s 4
Intimidating Aura Perfect Perry deals area-of-effect DMG 10
Shock and Awe Shock area deals +25% DMG 11
Steel Within -25% Health DMG when Health is less than 50% 12
Forward Momentum +25% DMG for 5s after a Shield Bash 18
Scrambled Targeting -20% DMG when surrounded 19
Armour Reinforcement Non-Finisher Gun Strikes restore armor 20

Bulwark Class Team Perks

Perk Description Level
Unyielding Ceramite -5s delay before armor regenerates 5
Advanced Conditioning 50% slower fade of Contested Health 13
Effective Formation -20% Health DMG from high-level enemies 21

Bulwark Class Gear Perks

Perk Description Level
Concussive Force Shield Bash deals more Damage 6
Purity of Purpose Banner deals DMG over time 7
Rejuvenating Effect Banner revives teammates 8
Rapid Regeneration Banner restores armor 300% faster 14
Merciless Resolve No loss of control or knockbacks after a Shield Bash 15
Glory’s Shield All teammates close to the Banner take 10% less DMG 16
Focused Strength Shield Bash knocks back enemies 22
Invigorating Icon Teammates regain Contested Health when Banner is active 23
Inspiration +10% DMG for all teammates 24

Bulwark Class Signature Perks

Perk Description Level
Emergency Countermeasure Shock Grenade detonates automatically when armor is depleted 9
Defensive Mastery Perfect Perry kills high-level enemies immediately 17
Armored Advance No loss of control during Heavy Hits and no knockbacks if you have armor 25



Warhammer 40K: Space Marine 2 All Sniper Class Perks

Warhammer 40K: Space Marine 2 - All Perks & Classes
Saber Interactive

The Sniper Class can hit an enemy from a huge distance, and they have access to the most powerful Rifles in Space Marine 2. They can control the flow of the entire battle and support all team compositions.

Sniper Class Core Perks

Perk Description Level
Block Break +25% Ranged DMG for sots against shielded enemies 2
High Capacity +10% Maximum Ammo 3
Iron Grip -30% Recoil for Bolt Sniper Rifles and Stalker Bolt Rifles 4
Melee Mastery +10% Melee DMG for high-level enemies 10
Dexterous Hands Bolt Carbines reload 15% faster 12
Vantage Point +20% Primary Weapon DMG when standing still for 2s 17
Medicae Adept You revive Squad Members 30% faster 18
Adaptability +15% Melee DMG for reloading while having Low Ammo 19
Lethal Efficiency +1 Charge for killing more than 1 enemy 20

Sniper Class Team Perks

Perk Description Level
Marksmanship +20% Headshot DMG 5
Precision Targeting -20% Weapon Spread 13
Squad Renewal Headshots give a +10% Ability Charge 21

Sniper Class Gear Perks

Perk Description Level
Purification Manually activating the Camo Cloak removes negative Status Effects 6
Guardian Protocol Camo Cloak hides everyone after reviving a teammate 7
Persistence -20% Health DMG after Camo Cloak deactivates 8
Efficient Readiness Manually activating Camo Cloak automatically reloads Ranged Weapons 14
Targeted Shot +75% DMG for the first Ranged Attack that breaks Camo Cloak  15
Lingering Concealment After performing an attack that breaks Camo Cloak, you remain hidden for 2 seconds 16
Renewal A headshot restores Camo Cloak’s Charge by 5%  22
Tactical Ambush +100% DMG for the first Melee Attack that breaks Camo Cloak 23
Ambush When Camo Cloak deactivates, it startles nearby enemies 24

Sniper Class Signature Perks

Perk Description Level
Evasion Camo Cloak activates automatically after a perfect Dodge 9
Emergency Override Camo Cloak activates automatically after Lethal DMG 17
Pattern of Excellence +1 Equipment Charge after 4 headshots 25



Warhammer 40K: Space Marine 2 All Heavy Class Perks

Warhammer 40K: Space Marine 2 - All Perks & Classes
Saber Interactive

The Heavy Class is also a Tank category, and they support explosive firepower. They immediately clear all low-level enemies and deal sustained DPS.

Heavy Class Core Perks

Perk Description Level
Restoration +1 Armor Segment after killing 15 enemies 2
Thermal Boost +15% Ranged DMG when Ranged Weapon is 50% overheated 3
Overcharge +20% Charged Attack DMG 4
Multi-Kill +1 Ammo after killing 5 enemies 10
Overwhelming Power +10% Ranged DMG when Iron Halo is active 12
Fortitude +20% Health 17
Auxiliary Ammunition +20% Ammo Reserve after killing 15 enemies 18
Strategic Stand While in Heavy Stance, dealing DMG restores 75% of Contested Health 19
Versatility +20% DMG for Secondary Weapon 20

Heavy Class Team Perks

Perk Description Level
Encompassing Aegis -20% DMG from Ranged Attacks 5
Additional Supplies +25% Ammo Capacity 13
Bonds of Brotherhood Reviving a teammate restores their full Health 21

Heavy Class Gear Perks

Perk Description Level
Adamant Will -20% Health DMG for 5s 6
Obdurate Bastion +20% Iron Halo Durability 7
Saving Grace Reviving teammates restores Iron Halo's Charge 8
Consecutive Execution Killing 15 enemies restores Equipment Charge 14
Field Adjustment +20% recharge speed for Iron Halo 15
Brute Force +15% Ranged DMG when Iron Halo is in cooldown 16
Emperor’s Protection +1 Armor Segment when Iron Halo has no energy 22
Power Regulator Iron Halo loses energy 15% slower 23
Wrath of the Imperium Enemies take DMG when Iron Halo has no energy 24

Heavy Class Signature Perks

Perk Description Level
Offensive Capability Iron Halo deals DMG over time 9
Coolant Reserve Primary Weapon doesn't overheat if your teammates are dead 17
Conversion Field +50% Ability Charge recovery speed when Iron Halo is active 25



Warhammer 40K: Space Marine 2 All Perks Summary

Warhammer 40K: Space Marine 2 - All Perks & Classes
Saber Interactive

Keep in mind that each of these Classes and perks has its own advantages and disadvantages that you need to consider. That's why experimenting with all of them is always the best strategy to choose the ones that fit your gameplay style best.

If you're a beginner, we recommend exploring the Tactical Class and its perks, as they are versatile and can help you adapt to any combat situation. Have fun and good luck on your next adventure! For more information about Warhammer 40K: Space Marine 2, you can check out this article.
