Great news for Evokers in World of Warcraft! The next 10.2.5 Patch will not only Follower Dungeons, a new Gilneas campaign, dragonriding unlocked worldwide, but it also include a quality-of-life change to how the Dracthyr fly across the skies.
Following Dragonflight's overall success, many players were left wondering why this mechanic was not implemented on launch day, as it seemed odd for dragons not to be able to fly like their brethren.
With that being said, we will be taking a look at all of the changes that have hit the PTR recently so we can see what Blizzard Entertainment is bringing to the table. Let's get started!

WoW Dracthyr Dragonriding Coming to Seeds of Renewal
Some very exciting news for all players who play Evokers as the Dracthyr will now be able to soar across Azeroth and the Dragon Isles much faster. These are the latest patch notes shared by Blizzard devs:
- New Passive Ability: Empowered Soaring – Soar is now equivalent to dragonriding, granting access to vigor and all dragonriding abilities.
- New Passive Ability: Expedited Takeoff – Soar’s cooldown is reduced to 10 seconds.
- Familiar Skies (Racial) has been removed.
Developers’ note: Soar dragonriding will become available after learning dragonriding on the account and the Evoker has completed the Forbidden Reach starting experience.
A very welcome change to all dragon lovers out there as this will allow for more intuitive gameplay so you can gather resources more efficiently or simply get to your desired location in a cool style. Here is a video showcasing the new Dracthyr dragonriding:
Video courtesy of Wowhead.
World of Warcraft is expanding at a massive rate, and by having access to better means of travel through the regions, players will be able to enjoy the game even more, for the Dragon Isles were specifically designed to be explored through dragonriding.
Summary and Community Reaction
All in all, a fantastic addition to the game so that players can now fully immerse themselves in their dragon characters and reap more benefits from playing as an Evoker.
Hopefully, Blizzard will continue on this path to bringing much-needed changes to the game so it gets even more polished as time goes on. The new direction the devs are taking with the World of Warcraft universe might harbor another golden era at Blizzard.
Others are pointing out that this should have been implemented at the game's launch.
Players are also asking Blizzard to remove the 10-second cooldown on the ability.