With Mists of Pandaria Remix now live, many players are rushing to level up their characters so they can access the fan-favorite raids of the expansion. World of Warcraft is steadily experimenting with different ways of experiencing past expansions by also adding unique twists that shakes up the gameplay just enough to warrant investing time.
Not only will you gain the opportunity to obtain some very rare cosmetics, but you will also be able to build up your alt army just in time for the upcoming The War Within expansion that is set to release in late 2024. With that being said, we will take a look at all of the available raids in MoP Remix as well as how you can find the entrances.
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WoW MoP Remix: Mogu'shan Vaults Raid Location

The Mogu'shan Vaults raid is located in the Kun-Lai Summit at /way 59.7, 39. You can easily find it by going to the Mogu'shan Terrace. Some of the amazing cosmetics you can get from doing the raid include:
WoW MoP Remix: Heart of Fear Raid Location

The Heart of Fear raid is located in the Dread Wastes at /way 39.1 35. You can easily spot it by going to the giant tree south of the Rikkitun Village. Unfortunately, this raid only allows you to progress towards getting the Reins of the Heavenly Crimson Cloud Serpent mount as part of the Glory of the Pandaria Raider achievement.
WoW MoP Remix: Terrace of Endless Spring Raid Location

The Terrace of Endless Spring raid is located in the Veiled Star, between the Vale of Eternal Blossoms and The Jade Forest at /way 48.6, 61.6. Some of the amazing cosmetics you can get from doing the raid include:
WoW MoP Remix: Throne of Thunder Raid Location

The Throne of Thunder raid is located on the Isle of Thunder, which you can access via a portal in Townlong Steppes. There are two separate portals for both of the factions:
- Horde Portal is at /way 50.7, 73.1
- Alliance Portal is at /way 49.6, 69
The entrance to the raid itself is at /way 63.4, 32.6. Some of the amazing cosmetics you can get from doing the raid include:
WoW MoP Remix: Siege of Orgrimmar Raid Location

The Siege of Orgrimmar raid is located in the Vale of Eternal Blossoms at /way 72.5 44.1. Please keep in mind that the entrance itself is located underwater at the base of the platform in the middle of the lake. Some of the amazing cosmetics you can get from doing the raid include:
And that covers all of the raids that are available during the Mists of Pandaria Remix event. Make sure to try clearing all of them, as the lockout has been changed from weekly to daily so you will have even more opportunities to farm up your desired cosmetics.