WoW Season of Discovery 1.15.4 PTR PvP & Class Changes

We will take a look at the most recent PTR build that was added for World of Warcraft SoD.

WoW Season of Discovery 1.15.4 PTR PvP & Class Changes

The very experimental seasonal mode for World of Warcraft has been marked with a lot of ups and downs, and it seems that it has established a relatively solid community of players. Although it brings a fresh new look to the WoW Vanilla experience through new runes, items, and abilities, it seems that it has been a total balancing nightmare for the devs.

With that in mind, we will take a look at the most recent changes to the WoW Season of Discovery PTR Build. This time around, massive PvP and Class changes were introduced for players to test out before going live. 



WoW Season of Discovery 1.15.4 PTR Class Changes

WoW Season of Discovery 1.15.4 PTR PvP & Class Changes


  • The Nature’s Reach talent will now correctly increase the range of Starfall by 10%/20%.
  • Tier 2 Balance 6-piece bonus: Increased to 50% chance on Wrath crit.
  • Tier 2 Balance 4-piece bonus: Chance to trigger increased and duration of treants increased to 15 seconds.
  • Elune’s Fires: This rune now increases the duration of Rip when Shred is used by 1 second (was 2 seconds).
  • Tier 2 Feral Damage 6-piece bonus: Now also increases the damage of Ferocious Bite on targets afflicted by the Druid’s Bleed effects.
  • Tier 2 Balance Druid 4-piece can no longer proc when treants are already active.
    • This would not summon new Treants, but it would put the proc on internal cooldown.
  • Dreamstate and Stormstrike’s Nature Damage increasing effects no longer stack.


  • Tier 2 Melee Hunter 4-piece set bonus changed to increase damage dealt by your main hand weapon with Raptor Strike and Wyvern Strike by 20% (was 5% increased main-hand weapon damage).
  • Fire and Frost Specialization ring runes now respectively increase your chance to land your Fire and Frost traps by 6% as well.
  • Tier 2 Hunter Melee 2-piece set now increases the DoT from Wyvern Strike.
  • Tier 2 Hunter Melee 2-piece set bonus Clever Strikes is no longer consumed by Wing Clip.
  • Tier 2 Hunter Melee 2-piece set bonus Clever Strikes now benefits and is consumed by Carve.
  • Tier 2 Hunter Ranged 6-piece set now correctly adds attack power to Serpent Sting when refreshed by Chimera Shot.
  • Tier 1 Hunter Ranged 6-piece set now correctly benefits Explosive Shot.




  • Tier 2 healer 6-piece bonus: Duration on Temporal Beacon from Mass Regeneration changed to 21 seconds (was 30 seconds).
  • Tier 2 damage 6-piece bonus: Your Fireball’s periodic effect gains increased damage over its duration equal to 40% of its impact damage (was 20%).


  • Without the 6-piece Tier 1 set bonus, you can no longer double Judge.
  • Judging while two seals are active during the brief window when swapping seals, will now always cause the lower duration seal to be judged, instead of randomly consuming one of the two seals.
  • Libram of Wrath changed to only gain stacks when Holy Shock deals damage. No longer stacks from healing.
  • Libram of Wrath damage per stack changed to 20% (was 30%).
  • Libram of Avengement renamed to Libram of Avenging.
  • Ada’s Amulet has the Paladin-specific flag added to it to indicate it is only obtainable by Paladins.
  • The proc chance on Truthbearer, both the MH and 1-handed versions, has been increased.
  • Chromaggus, Death Talon Wyrmguards, and Death Talon Overseets will now always take full damage from Holy damage.
  • Tier 2 damage Paladin 4-piece set bonus changed to: reduces the cooldown on Judgement by 5 seconds (was: resetting the cooldown on Judgement whenever you judge a different seal than your previous one).
  • Tier 2 Holy Paladin 2-piece critical strike chance of Holy Shock reduced to 5% (was 20%).
  • Infusion of Light: This rune now reduces the remaining cooldown on Holy Shock by 3 seconds on a critical strike (was: resetting it completely).
  • Libram of Awe had an issue where it was not correctly reducing the damage of Holy Shock by 75%. In order to prevent it from incorrectly being an additive bonus, Libram of Awe now reduces all Holy damage dealt by 75% while equipped, making this a pure healing Libram as is intended.




  • The All-Seeing Eye of Zuldazar shielding reduced to 25 (was 50).
  • Priest 5 set Zul’gurub bonus reduced from 20% to 10% bonus to shielding.
  • Vampiric Embrace: In Season of Discovery, this talent now heals for 5% of Shadow damage done (was 10%). It can still be increased to 15% via other talents.
  • Tier 2 Shadow 4-piece bonus: Now has a 1% chance per talent point in Spirit Tap (was 0.5%)
  • Tier 2 Shadow 6-piece bonus: Now increases all Shadow damage done by 10% (was 20% to periodic damage only).
  • Tier 2 Shadow Priest 6-piece bonus is now removed when the set is broken.

Known Issue: This set can be activated by killing a critter that has Shadow Word: Pain active. This will be removed.



  • Tier 2 damage Rogue 4-piece set bonus changed to: Increases damage dealt by your main hand weapon from combo-generating abilities by 20% (was 10% increased main-hand weapon damage).
  • Main Gauche: This ability must now actually hit to grant its bonuses to Parry chance and Attack Power.
  • Slaughter from the Shadows: Now increases the damage of Backstab and Ambush by 50% to non-players (was 60%).
  • Crimson Tempest can no longer pull enemies from far away.
  • Dream Eater no longer procs twice every time it activates.
  • Dream Eater no longer grants 10 energy per target hit by Crimson Tempest.


  • Elemental Focus can now normally proc off Overload hits.
  • Totem of Tormented Ancestry realigned budget wise to be 10 attack power, spell power, and healing (was 15 of each).
  • Tier 2 Elemental Shaman 6-piece set bonus changed to 10% increased damage while Clearcasting is on (was 10% increased damage against targets when a spell has clearcasting (30% against non-player controlled targets)). This allows for more effects like Overload to benefit from this bonus. No longer has a different value vs. non-player controlled targets, so less power is tied to a set bonus.
  • Tier 2 Elemental Shaman 2-piece set bonus will now activate off of crits from Overload.
  • Tier 2 Enhancement Shaman 2-piece changed to: Your chance to trigger Static Shock is increased by 12% (6% while dual-wielding)(was: increasing the frequency of Maelstrom Weapon).
  • Tier 2 Enhancement Shaman 6-piece changed to: Your Lightning Shield now gains a charge each time you hit a target with Lightning Bolt or Chain Lightning, up to a maximum of 9 charges (was: grants a stack of Maelstrom Weapon after casting an instant cast spell with Maelstrom Weapon). Additionally, your Lightning Shield can now deal critical damage.
  • Burn: This rune now requires Flametongue Weapon on main hand weapon to grant its spell damage. It also now grants 1 spell damage per intellect (was 2 per level).
  • Tier 2 Restoration Shaman 2-piece set bonus will no longer trigger from Healing Rain.
  • Tier 1 Restoration Shaman 6-piece set bonus no longer synergizes with Overload and procs multiple full value Healing Waves when triggered, that can proc other Healing Waves that also had chances to activate Overload.




  • Demonic Pact: This rune now also increases all Fire damage done by the Warlock by 10%.

Known issue: This will be changed to 10% to all damage (was just Fire damage).

  • Tier 1 Warlock Damage 6-piece bonus: Partially Redesigned. Fire Trance has been removed, and now Incinerate has a 4% chance to trigger the Warlock’s Decimation regardless of the health of the target.
  • Incinerate now increases Fire damage by 40% (was 25%).

In an upcoming PTR build, the Mark of Chaos and Decimation runes are swapping places.

  • Shadow Vulnerability applied by Warlocks with Shadowflame engraved, can now correctly be refreshed back to 30 stacks without having to fall off first.
  • Tier 1 damage Warlock 4-piece set bonus now correctly resets the cooldown on Shadow Cleave.
  • Tier 1 damage Warlock 4-piece set bonus is now correctly consumed by casts of Shadow Bolt.
  • When unequipping the Zul’gurub 5-piece Warlock set, the player no longer retains the increased Master Demonologist bonuses.
  • The Zul’gurub 5-piece Warlock set now correctly increases the threat of Master Demonologist while in Metamorphosis.

Known issue: This only works with Felguard, does not work with Imp at the moment.

  • Tier 2 tank Warlock 2 set no longer ignores line of sight.
  • Tier 2 tank Warlock 2 set can no longer crit.
  • Tier 2 tank Warlock 2 set no longer causes Life Tap to be free if you are more than 30 yards from your target.


  • Greaves of Wrath changed to 26 strength, 16 agility, 13 stamina, 10 Nature Resistance, 1% hit (was 26 strength, 16 stamina, 10 Nature Resistance, 1% crit).
  • Shoulders of Wrath changed to 27 strength, 14 agility, 12 stamina, 10 Frost Resistance, 1% hit (was 27 strength, 16 stamina, 10 Frost Resistance, 1% crit).
  • Tier 1 damage Warrior 4-piece bonus: The duration of the effects from this set bonus is now 15 seconds (was seconds).
  • Tier 1 damage Warrior 6-piece bonus: The effects from this set bonus are now 5% (was 10%) and lasts 15 seconds (was 10 seconds).
  • Tier 2 damage Warrior 4-piece bonus: Now increases the damage of Heroic Strike by 10% (was: increased Whirlwind and made it useable in all stances).



WoW Season of Discovery 1.15.4 PTR General Changes

WoW Season of Discovery 1.15.4 PTR PvP & Class Changes


  • PvP Damage Reduction: Players now take 30% reduced Physical damage from other players and pets (was 20%) and 40% reduced Magic damage from other players and pets (was 20%).


And that covers all of the changes added to the latest World of Warcraft Season of Discovery PTR Build. You can check out the official notes, here
