Season of Discovery has grown to be one of the highlights of the year for many World of Warcraft players. With a quick and accessible level cap and a wide array of class-changing runes to experiment with, players have thoroughly enjoyed this new Classic WoW playground by Blizzard.
With so many possibilities available through the new rune system, it's no wonder that Blizzard has had to make many class tuning patches over the last few weeks. Today, even more patch notes were released, which will be targeting the Feral Bear Druid and Shadow Priest classes on December 21st.
Here is the full list of patch notes coming to WoW Season of Discovery on December 21st, at about 10:00 a.m. PST:

WoW Season of Dicovery December 21 Full Patch Notes

- Lacerate base cost reduced 10 Rage (was 15).
- Mangle (Bear) base cost reduced to 15 Rage (was 20).

- Shadow Word: Death base damage increased by 103% and the bonus damage it receives from spell power has been increased by 50%.
Those were all of the changes happening to World of Warcraft Season of Discovery on December 21st. With these adjustments, Blizzard hope that Feral Bear tanks and Shadow Priests become slightly stronger, in order to be competitive with the rest of the classes. If you are interested in more Season of Discovery content, check out the rest of our resources on the website!