The first big World of Warcraft Season of Discovery update for 2024 is finally here, and it brings a few changes to the Hunter and Priest classes. Blizzard has seemingly been on a crusade in the past few weeks, repeatedly nerfing Hunter pets, as they have proven to be excessively powerful with certain runes. Priests, on the other hand, went largely unnoticed in the last few updates and are finally about to receive some justified nerfs to their healing throughput. Here is the full list of patch notes, covering the January 11 update for World of Warcraft Season of Discovery.

WoW Season of Dicovery January 11 Full Patch Notes
We remain concerned that Hunter pets are still too powerful, and believe that the best way forward is to reign in the Beast Mastery rune while compensating via the Hunter’s main spells.

Chimera Shot
Weapon damage increased to 100% (was 85%).

Explosive Shot
Base damage increased by 25% before Attack Power modifiers.

Beast Mastery Rune
Bonus health and damage provided to Hunter pets reduced to 20% (was 30%).
Bonus Focus regeneration provided to Hunter pets reduced to 50% (was 80%).
Mana cost of Chimera Shot, Explosive Shot, Carve, Kill Command, and Flanking Strike reduced by 50%.
Priests are outperforming other healers significantly. This adjustment will apply to Prayer of Mending, Penance, and Circle of Healing.
- Base healing done by rune abilities reduced by 20%.
That covers the full list of changes happening to World of Warcraft Season of Discovery on January 11th. Hunters continue to get nerfs to their pets, while Priests are taking a bit of a hit to their healing, as they have been overperforming compared to other classes. Hopefully these changes create a more balanced state for the game before the release of Phase 2. For more Season of Discovery news and guides, make sure to check out the rest of our website!