World of Warcraft Season of Discovery Phase 2 has also introduced a lot of quality-of-life changes to classes to make the game even more fun for everyone.
The new runes, gear and items will certainly shake things up in terms of balance so Blizzard devs have also given some classes a boost to make them more viable.
We will be taking a look at all of the Hunter Skillbook and where you can locate it.

WoW SoD Phase 2 Hunter Skillbook
The hunter takes on the aspect of the viper, causing your ranged and melee auto attacks to regenerate mana but reducing your total damage done by 10%. In addition, you gain 10% of maximum mana every 3 sec. Mana gained is based on the speed of your weapon. Only one Aspect can be active at a time.
Aspect of the Viper Skillbook Location
- You can get Treatise on Aspect of the Viper from Ironspine and Interrogator Vishas in the Graveyard Wing and possibly other mobs in the other wings in Scarlet Monastery.
And that covers everything we know so far about the Hunter Skillbook in World of Warcraft Season of Discovery Phase 2. Once we have more information, we will make sure to update the article accordingly.