A lot of new changes have been introduced to World of Warcraft Season of Discovery Phase 2. We will go over the recent blue post and go through all of the changes that were added to the game.
Phase 2 of Season of Discovery has players running wild either through Stranglethorn Vale for the new PvP event or players furiously gearing up for the new Gnomeregan Raid. Nevertheless, there are certain class imbalances that need to be addressed.
A lot of class tuning tweaks as many players have been openly discussing and sharing feedback regarding certain strenghths and weaknesses. There are also changes to the Gnomeregan Raid so let's get started.

WoW SoD Phase 2 Gnomeregan Changes
- Increased the number of crafting materials found in Box of Gnomeregan Salvage.
- Slightly increased the drop rate of Grime-Encrusted Salvage throughout Gnomeregan.
WoW SoD Phase 2 Class Tuning Hotfixes

- Berserk now also increases the number of targets struck by Lacerate while it is active.
- Starsurge bonus damage to Starfire increased to 80% (was 66%). Corrected a bug causing this bonus damage to be lower than intended at level 40.
- Swipe now scales with attack power, gaining 10% of attack power as damage.
- Threat caused by Swipe greatly increased.
- Rip duration increased to 16 seconds (was 12 seconds).

- Raptor Strike damage when the Melee Specialist rune is active is now normalized weapon damage.

- Fixed an issue where Enchant Weapon - Fiery Weapon and Seal of Martyrdom were triggering each other. Neither can be triggered by the other any longer.
- Fixed an issue where Fiery Blaze Enchantment and Enchant Weapon - Fiery Weapon could trigger or be triggered by Seal of Martyrdom. Those interactions do not happen anymore.

- Mind Spike damage increased by 10%.
- Void Plague damage increased by 10%.
- Shadow Word: Death base damage before modifiers decreased by 40% and spellpower coefficient adusted to 42.9% (was 64.3%).
Developers’ notes: Overall, this should result in a 33-40% damage reduction on Shadow Word: Death, depending on the amount of spellpower the priest has. Shadow Word: Death has been doing a larger percentage of overall priest damage than intended, and we feel like this could begin to put additional pressure on healers in PvE, as spellpower gear improves and the damage that priests inflict on themselves continues to scale upwards. It could also prove to be increasingly oppressive in PvP, as it’s an instant attack that can be used on the move, from range, with very little counterplay.

- Shuriken Toss bounce range reduced to 10 yards (was 15 yards).
Developers’ notes: This should reduce the chance of it bouncing a little too far and pulling extra packs in dungeons. It now matches the range of other chain spells like Chain Lightning and Avenger’s Shield.

- Fixed an issue where Fire Nova did not benefit properly from Elemental Mastery.
- The Dual Wield Specialization rune now provides 50% bonus damage to your offhand weapon swings.
- Lava Lash now gains 50% increased damage if Flametongue Weapon is imbued on your offhand.
- The proc chance of Maelstrom Weapon is now roughly 50% higher when your main hand weapon or your two-hand weapon is imbued with Windfury Weapon.
And that covers all of the recent hotfixes to the game. Season of Discovery Phase 2 has a lot more exciting content to be explored as more and more players are reaching level 40.
We will make sure to report any notable changes and update you accordingly. Good luck, Champions of Azeroth!