Phase 2 of World of Warcraft's Season of Discovery has finally arrived, and we couldn't be more excited about all of the new opportunities to create different builds using any of the new runes, while also being able to engage in some higher level PvP in Stranglethorn Vale. The new Gnomeregan raid and profession reworks are also going to provide us with a ton of new items to further customize our characters.
All of this is possible due to the increase in the level cap, going from 25 all the way up to 40, which will allow players to participate in all of these events, while also being able to add a couple more talent points to their chosen spec. If you find Phase 2 overwhelming and are wondering where to even start, in this article we have compiled the full list of zones and dungeons that are going to become relevant in the 25-40 level range.

WoW Season of Discovery Level 25-40 Zones
The newly increased level cap in Phase 2 of Season of Discovery will allow players to travel and complete quests in a ton of new zones. A lot of fan-favorite zones from the Classic era, such as Thousand Needles, Arathi Highlands and the Badlands, are finally going to be populated. One thing to note is that most of the zones in this level range tend to be in the Eastern Kingdoms region, which might create some interesting situations if you are playing in a PvP server.
Speaking of PvP, the new Blood Moon event in Stranglethorn Vale is sure to create a lot of chaos in the zone, similar to how it was back in the old days. Here is the full list of zones that you are likely to travel to in Phase 2 of Season of Discovery:
Level Range | Zone Name |
18-30 | Ashenvale |
18-30 | Duskwood |
20-30 | Wetlands |
20-35 | Hillsbrad Foothills |
25-35 | Thousand Needles |
30-40 | Alterac Mountains |
30-40 | Arathi Highlands |
30-40 | Desolace |
30-45 | Stranglethorn Vale |
35-45 | Dustwallow Marsh |
35-45 | Badlands |
35-45 | Swamp of Sorrows |
WoW Season of Discovery Level 25-40 Dungeons
While the list of dungeons is not as impressive as our previous section, all of these instances will allow players to obtain some strong gear before they enter the newly reworked 10-man Gnomeregan raid. There are definitely going to be a ton of people hanging around Scarlet Monastery during Phase 2, with all 4 wings being available for the 25-40 level range.
Uldaman and Zul'Farrak are a bit on the higher side in terms of the required level, but we are sure they will be cleared in no time once players are geared enough. Here is the full list of relevant dungeons for the 25-40 range of World of Warcraft Season of Discovery Phase 2:
Level Range | Zone |
30-40 | Razorfen Kraul |
28-38 | Scarlet Monastery: Graveyard |
29-39 | Scarlet Monastery: Library |
32-42 | Scarlet Monastery: Armory |
35-45 | Scarlet Monastery: Cathedral |
40-50 | Razorfen Downs |
42-52 | Uldaman |
40 [RAID] | Gnomeregan |
That concludes our full list of relevant locations that will be available in Phase 2 of Season of Discovery. Hopefully, this guide has helped you create a plan to both level up and gear up with all of these zones and dungeons. For more Season of Discovery content, make sure to check out our dedicated section on the website!