WoW The War Within Beta - Mage Changes (July 24, 2024)

World of Warcraft The War Within Beta introduced some new development notes so we will take a look at all of the Mage changes.

WoW The War Within Beta - Mage Changes (July 24, 2024)

World of Warcraft The War Within Beta developers have introduced more changes to the game in their recent development notes. With that in mind, we will take a look at all of the Mage changes so we can get a better understanding of how the class will perform in the newest expansion. 

The War Within is looking promising so far, as the majority of the community seems to be embracing the new approach from Blizzard in regard to balancing, quality-of-life changes, and overall class design ideas, along with the new Hero Talents system.


WoW The War WIthin Beta Mage Changes

WoW The War Within Beta Mage Hero Talent Changes

Frostfire (Frost/Fire)

Developer’s note: We’re aware of an issue where Frost Mage’s Living Bombs are also being cast at reduced effectiveness. This will be fixed in a future build.

Spellslinger (Frost/Arcane)

  • Embedded Splinters maximum stack count reduced to 8 until Splinterstorm is learned.
  • Controlled Instincts no longer has damage variance.
  • Controlled Instincts damage is now capped at 5 targets and no longer splashes.
  • Volatile Magic now correctly damages the primary target having its Embedded Splinters removed.
  • Volatile Magic now deals one instance of damage that scales based on the number of stacks removed.

Developer’s note: The changes to Controlled Instincts and Volatile Magic are being made to help reduce the number of damage events and increase performance in high target scenarios

Sunfury (Arcane/Fire)



WoW The War Within Beta Mage Changes








Developer’s note: Living Bomb’s frequency has been creating performance issues in high-target scenarios. The following changes are targeted at reducing damage events while only marginally affecting throughput. We’ll be keeping an eye on how these changes affect Fire Mage and will make adjustments as necessary.

Developer’s note: Talents that grant a guaranteed Living Bomb gain a lot of power from these changes, so we’re adjusting them to compensate.

  • Deep Impact’s cooldown reduction reduced 10 seconds (was 15 seconds).
  • Living Bomb is now target-capped at 8 targets and no longer splashes.
  • Living Bomb visual effects now have reduced visual fidelity in raid groups.

And that covers all of the Mage changes that were announced in the most recent development notes for The War Within Beta. You can check out the full notes, here.
