World of Warcraft’s latest expansion, The War Within, introduces new Hero Talents. It's pretty straightforward but it might confuse some WoW players. Hero Talents Trees offer some extra boosts for each class specialization. In this article, we'll try to explain what they bring to The War Within. Some of the information used in this guide can also be found on the official Blizzard Website.
Table of Contents
What Are Hero Talents in The War Within?

Hero Talents are a new form of talent tree that becomes available to players once they reach level 71. These trees give your character a boost and should be tailored to your build, abilities, and talents. They're targeted at making existing classes and specializations even better. Each class has three distinct Hero Talent trees, except for Druids, who have four, and Demon Hunters, who have two. Players can select one Hero Talent tree to activate on their character, and like existing class talents, these can be changed as needed.
The structure of Hero Talent trees is very simple but it might confuse some players. Each tree has 11 nodes. You get to unlock the first one at level 71. You'll be earning one talent point per level up to level 80. By the time a character reaches level 80, they will have unlocked every talent in their chosen tree.
Key Features of Hero Talent Trees in The War Within

All Hero Talent trees start with a "keystone" talent. It introduces the core mechanic and theme of the tree and you get it for free. As WoW players progress through the tree, they will eventually reach the "capstone" talent at the end of the tree. It's the most powerful node and it builds upon the tree’s central themes.
- Tip: Getting to the capstone as quickly as you can is advised.
Hero Talent trees are also designed to offer a balance between class utility and defensive bonuses. This means that, for example, tank classes will be able to get additional defensive benefits.
Some nodes within each tree are choice nodes, allowing players to select between two options. This is great because you'll get to make your choices based on your build and playstyle.
All Hero Talent Trees in The War Within
Here's a short and simple listing of all available Hero Talent Trees in The War Within:
Death Knight
- Deathbringer - Blood and Frost Death Knights
- Rider of the Apocalypse - Frost and Unholy Death Knights.
- San'layn - Unholy and Blood Death Knights.
Demon Hunter
- Aldrachi Reaver - Havoc and Vengeance Demon Hunters
- Fel-Scarred - Havoc and Vengeance Demon Hunters.
- Druid of the Claw - Feral and Guardian Druids
- Elune's Chosen - Balance and Guardian Druids.
- Keeper of the Grove - Restoration and Balance Druids
- Wildstalker - Feral and Restoration Druids
- Chronowarden - Preservation & Augmentation Evokers
- Flameshaper tree - Devastation & Preservation Evokers
- Scalecommander - Augmentation & Devastation Evokers
- Dark Ranger - Beast Mastery & Marksmanship Hunters
- Pack Leader - Beast Mastery & Survival Hunters
- Sentinel - Marksmanship & Survival Hunters
- Frostfire - Fire & Frost Mages
- Spellslinger - Arcane & Frost Mages
- Sunfury - Arcane & Fire Mages
- Conduit of the Celestials - Mistweaver & Windwalker Monks
- Master of Harmony - Brewmaster & Mistweaver Monks
- Shado-Pan - Brewmaster & Windwalker Monks
- Herald of the Sun - Holy & Retribution Paladins
- Lightsmith - Holy & Protection Paladins
- Templar tree - Retribution & Protection Paladins
- Archon - Holy & Shadow Priests
- Oracle - Discipline & Holy Priests
- Voidweaver - Discipline & Shadow Priests
- Deathstalker - Assassination & Subtlety Rogues
- Fatebound - Assassination & Outlaw Rogues
- Trickster - Outlaw & Subtlety Rogues
- Farseer - Elemental & Restoration Shamans
- Stormbringer - Elemental & Enhancement Shamans
- Totemic - Enhancement & Restoration Shamans
- Diabolist - Demonology & Destruction Warlocks
- Hellcaller - Affliction & Destruction Warlocks
- Soul Harvester - Affliction & Demonology Warlocks
- Colossus - Arms & Protection Warriors
- Mountain Thane - Fury & Protection Warriors
- Slayer - Arms & Fury Warriors
Hero Talents will surely make World of Warcraft The War Within even more fun! These boosts will give WoW players new ways to engage with their class specializations.