The WoW dev team added a bunch of hotfixes for the Nerub-ar Palace Raid in The War Within. This time around, the changes are focused on The Silken Court encounter for the Mythic difficulty, meaning that guilds will be able to more easily survive the boss fight and get one step closer to taking down Queen Ansurek.
Having that in mind, we will go over all of the nerfs that were added following the weekly reset.
Mythic Silken Court Nerfs

Stinging Swarm now releases only 4 Swarms (was 5), and having 4 stacks of Stinging Swarm now triggers Stinging Delirium on Mythic difficulty.
Stinging Swarm damage taken percent per stack increased to 25% (was 20%) on Mythic difficulty.
Decreased Shattershell Scarab melee damage by 15% on Mythic difficulty.
Increased number of stacks of Void Degeneration and Burning Touch that trigger Touch of Death to 5 (was 4) on Mythic difficulty.
Being damaged by Web Bombs no longer create Motes on Mythic difficulty.
These hotfixes should make it easier for groups to defeat the Silken Court, and although the fight itself is still pretty challenging on Mythic, players should have less things to worry about given the massive amount of mechanics you need to look out for.
All in all, the Mythic raiding scene has been pretty quiet since the start of Season 1, but there is still enough time to take on the toughest PvE challenge The War Within has to offer at this time. You can check out the official hotfixes, here.