The Darkmoon Faire event is returning to World of Warcraft once more. Who doesn't enjoy the mysterious traveling carnival filled with dark lore? This event has a lot to offer to WoW players, such as quests for professions, reputation and XP buff, bosses, rewards, achievements, and more. Let's take a look at what the Darkmoon Faire event will bring to WoW.
Table of Contents
Darkmoon Faire Basics

WoW The War Within is welcoming The Darkmoon Faire. The event starts on the first Sunday of each month in WoW and runs for a week. So, this time around The Darkmoon Faire will return on December 1st and it will last till December 7th. To get to the carnival, players can use portals in Elwynn Forest (Alliance) and Mulgore (Horde). They can pay a Darkmoon Faire Mystic Mage in Stormwind, Orgrimmar, or Dalaran to teleport them there.
WoW players need Darkmoon Game Tokens for attractions, available for purchase from vendors Sazz Coincatcher, Zina Sharpworth, and Trixi Sharpworth.
Players earn Darkmoon Prize Tickets by completing games and quests at the Darkmoon Faire, which can be used to get various items.
Darkmoon Faire Profession Quests
Profession quests are returning this time around. Complete any profession quest to get these rewards rewards:
+2 Khaz Algar Profession Skill
Do keep in mind that, these profession quests no longer give Artisan's Acuity. he good thing is that the skill points and knowledge apply to both Dragonflight and the War Within professions.
Reputation Buff
There's also a new 10% reputation and experience buff in Darkmoon Faire. All you have to do to activate it is buy a Darkmoon Top Hat or ride the Darkmoon roller coaster or carousel. Yes, this boost can be combined with the 20% buff from the 20th Anniversary event.
Must-Do Activities at the Faire

Reputation and Experience Buffs
- Use the Darkmoon Top Hat or ride the carousel/roller coaster to gain a 10% boost to experience and reputation for an hour.
- Acquire mounts, pets, toys, and transmog gear unique to the Faire. Completing daily and special quests can help you earn Darkmoon Prize Tickets, used to buy these items.
Professions Boost
- Complete profession-specific quests to gain skill-ups (+2 to primary professions, +3 to secondary) and Dragonflight-era Knowledge Points, Artisan’s Mettle, and crafting recipes.
Mini-Games and Achievements
- Enjoy mini-games like Firebird's Challenge, Tonk Commander, and The Humanoid Cannonball, which reward achievements, tickets, and prizes.
Mini-Games and Daily Quests
Six daily mini-games reward tickets and reputation:
- Firebird's Challenge: Fly through rings for fiery wings and achievements.
- The Humanoid Cannonball: Perfect your landing to earn points.
- Tonk Commander: Destroy targets with your tonk.
- Target: Turtle: Show off your accuracy.
- He Shoots, He Scores!: Test your aim.
- It’s Hammer Time: Whack gnolls for prizes.
We hope you have fun at the Darkmoon Faire. We have plenty more WoW content for you to discover, check it out! Special thanks to WoWHead for some of the information used in this article.