World of Warcraft The War Within is getting its first major patch coming alongside WoW's 20th Anniversary event. Not only will players be able to dive deep into the nostalgia of the MMORPG but they will also score some cool new loot, and cosmetics and get to experience a revamped dungeon.
Aside from the festivities, a lot of major PvE class balancing will also be implemented for the classes in the game, as we will go over the massive update Mages will receive when the 11.0.5 patch rolls out.
Table of Contents
WoW 11.0.5 Mage Class Changes

- Arcane Intellect now costs 1% base mana (was 4%).
- Alter Time’s visuals have been updated.
- Shifting Power's icon has been updated.
- Ice Floes now allows you to cast Portal and Teleport spells while moving.

- Excess Fire has been updated – No longer generates Living Bomb. Instead generates a Frostfire Burst, dealing moderate Frostfire damage in an 8 yard radius. Damage reduced beyond 8 targets.
- Frostfire Burst damage increased by 25%.
- Frostfire Burst’s visuals have been updated.
- Frostfire Infusion damage increased by 50%.
- Isothermic Core Meteor damage increased by 15%.
- Isothermic Core Comet Storm damage increased by 25%.

- New Talent: Signature Spell – Arcane: When Magi’s Spark explodes, you conjure 6 Arcane Splinters. Frost: Consuming Winter’s Chill with Glacial Spike conjures 2 additional Frost Splinters.
- Splintering Orbs can now generate a maximum of 6 Splinters (was 4 Splinters).
- Volatile Magic now correctly benefits from damage bonuses.
- Gravity Lapse cooldown increased to 40 seconds (was 30 seconds).

- Gravity Lapse target cap increased to 8 targets (was 5) and Gravity Lapse now stuns instead of rooting.
- Gravity Lapse now roots instead of stunning in PvP only.
- Gravity Lapse’s visual effects have been updated.
- Meteorites are now summoned instantly.
- Spellfire Spheres are now anchored relative to your chest’s position.
Arcane Mage

- New Talent: Aethervision – Consuming Nether Precision with Arcane Blast increases the damage of your next Arcane Barrage by 10% and causes it to generate 2 Arcane Charges. Stacks up to 2 times.
- Time Loop has been updated – Now also increases the duration of Arcane Debilitation by 2 seconds and its chance to trigger increased to 25% (was 15%).
- Leydrinker has been updated – No longer affects Arcane Barrage and casting Touch of the Magi now grants Leydrinker. Leydrinker's chance to trigger increased to 25% (was 20%).
- Charged Orb has been updated – Now also increases the damage of Arcane Orb by 15%.
- Consortium’s Bauble has been updated – Now increases Arcane Blast’s damage by 8% and reduces its mana cost by 5%. Consortium’s Bauble’s position in the tree has changed.
- Fixed an issue that caused Arcane Debilitation to contribute twice its damage increase.
- Fixed an issue that allowed players to double dip the last stack of Nether Precision with a spell-queued Arcane Barrage.
- Arcane Missiles no longer consumes Ice Floes if you have Slipstream talented.
- Some talents have changed positions.
- Resonant Orbs has been removed.

- Arcane Splinter damage increased by 26%.
- Spellfrost Teachings chance to trigger reduced to 2%.
- Splinterstorm now has a 5% chance to generate Clearcasting.
- Unerring Proficiency damage bonus increased to 20% (was 16%).
- Spellfrost Teachings now properly increases your Arcane Orb damage by 10% for 10 seconds.
- Fixed an issue where Splinterstorm damage was not equal to Splinter damage.

- Glorious Incandescence has been updated – Now causes Arcane Barrage to deal 30% increased damage in addition to its previous effects.
- Memory of Al’ar's Arcane Soul extension amount increased to 1 second (was 0.5 seconds).
- Ignite the Future now also increases the maximum stacks of Mana Cascade to 15.
- Burden of Power no longer affects Arcane Barrage.
- Fixed an issue that was causing Mana Cascade to grant 0.5% Haste per stack to Arcane instead of 1%.
- Arcane Soul’s overlay has been updated.
Fire Mage

- Majesty of the Phoenix has been updated – Casting Phoenix Flames causes your next Flamestrike to have its critical strike chance increased by 20% and critical strike damage increased by 20%. Stacks up to 3 times.
- All ability damage reduced by 3%.
- Lit Fuse now has a 6% chance to trigger (was 4%).
- Explosive Ingenuity now increases Lit Fuse’s chance to trigger by 4% (was 3%).
- Explosive Ingenuity now increases Living Bomb’s damage by 50% (was 25%).
- Explosivo's Living Bomb damage increase while in Combustion reduced to 30% (was 40%).
- Sparking Cinders now triggers 3 times per minute (was 2).
- Sparking Cinders damage bonus increased to 15% for Pyroblast and Flamestrike (was 10% for Pyroblast and 20% for Flamestrike).
- Heat Shimmer can once again trigger while casting Scorch.
- Heat Shimmer is no longer consumed when it triggers during a Scorch cast.
- Fixed an issue that prevented Pyromaniac from being able to trigger Hyperthermia.
- Fixed an issue that caused Controlled Destruction to increase Ignite damage by an additional 0.5% per stack.
- Hyperthermia’s overlay has been updated.
- Lit Fuse no longer highlights Fire Blast.
- Lit Fuse is now displayed on the Personal Resource Display.
- Fuel the Fire is now shown in the spellbook.

- Glorious Incandescence has been updated – Now causes Fire Blast to hit up to 2 nearby targets in addition to its previous effects.
- Burden of Power now increases Pyroblast damage by 20% (was 15%).
- Burden of Power now increases Flamestrike damage by 30% (was 60%).
- Memory of Al’ar's Hyperthermia extension amount increased to 1 second (was 0.5 seconds).
- Glorious Incandescence now highlights Fire Blast.
Frost Mage

- Frost Splinter damage increased by 44%.
- Spellfrost Teachings chance to trigger reduced to 2.5%.
- Spellfrost Teachings Orb damage bonus on proc increased to 30% (was 20%).
- Unerring Proficiency damage bonus increased to 5% (was 3%).
- Splinterstorm no longer applies Winter’s Chill.
- Splinterstormnow has a 5% chance to grant Brain Freeze.
And that covers all of the Mage changes for the upcoming 11.0.5 Patch for World of Warcraft The War Within. You can check out the official patch notes, here.