World of Warcraft The War Within is getting its first major patch coming alongside WoW's 20th Anniversary event. Not only will players be able to dive deep into the nostalgia of the MMORPG but they will also score some cool new loot, and cosmetics and get to experience a revamped dungeon.
Aside from the festivities, a lot of major PvE class balancing will also be implemented for the classes in the game, as we will go over the massive update Rogues will receive when the 11.0.5 patch rolls out.
Table of Contents
WoW 11.0.5 Rogue Class Changes

- New Talent: Thrill Seeking – Shadowstep(Assassination/Subtlety)/Grappling Hook(Outlaw) has 1 additional charge.
- New Talent: Supercharger – Shiv/Roll the Bones/Symbols of Death supercharges [1/2] combo points. Damaging finishing moves consume a supercharged combo point to function as if they spent 2 additional combo points. 2-point talent.
Developer's note: It is intended that Supercharger's bonus count towards any ability that scales with combo points spent and not just the damage value of finishing moves. Examples include Rupture's duration, Poison Bomb's effect chance, Restless Blades' cooldown reduction, and Flagellation's lashes dealt.
- New Talent: Forced Induction – Increase the bonus granted when a damaging finishing move consumes a supercharged combo point by 1.
- Echoing Reprimand has been redesigned – After consuming a supercharged combo point, your next Mutilate/Sinister Strike/Backstab strikes with an Echoing Reprimand dealing Physical damage.
- Thistle Tea now automatically drinks when Energy falls below 30.
- Cut to the Chase now grants Slice and Dice duration, instead of requiring an existing Slice and Dice to extend.
- Shadowstep has been removed. Shadowstep is still automatically granted for Assassination and Subtlety.
- Soothing Darkness now heals for 30% of max health over 6 seconds (was 15%). Effect no longer triggers from Shadow Dance.
- Cheap Shot duration increased to 6 seconds. PvP duration has not changed (4 seconds).
- Feint no longer triggers a global cooldown when activated.
- Subterfuge now also grants duration to combat bonuses that require Stealth and also have a duration that persists after breaking Stealth, including:
- Improved Garrote (Assassination)
- Indiscriminate Carnage (Assassination)
- Master Assassin (Assassination)
- Take 'em by Surprise (Outlaw)
- Echoing Reprimand's icon has been updated.
- Flagellation's icon has been updated.
- The following talents have been removed:

- Inevitability renamed to Inevitable End.
- Inevitable End/Double Jeopardy effects now indicate they can match any flip outcome (including ‘edge’), not just one face or the other.
- Delivered Doom now provides bonus damage when more than 1 target is nearby, with the bonus reducing by 6% for each nearby target beyond 1.
- Edge Case now flips a Fatebound Coin on its edge when you activate Deathmark/Adrenaline Rush instead of your next finishing move after activation.

- Coup de Grace now correctly attributes its combo point bonus to abilities that are affected by number of combo points spent, including numerous finishing moves and passives, similar to the function of the Supercharger talent.
- Activating Coup de Grace no longer grants 1 second of immunity that prevents player actions for the duration.
Assassination Rogue

- Master Assassin duration increased to 6 seconds (was 3 seconds) and bonus to critical strike reduced to 25% (was 30%).
- Iron Wire silence and damage reduction durations reduced to 5 seconds (was 6 seconds and 8 seconds). PvP duration of the damage reduction effect reduced to 3 seconds (was 4 seconds). PvP duration of the silence effect has not changed (3 seconds).
- Twist the Knife now enables Envenom's beneficial effect to overlap up to 2 times.
- Envenom Tooltip updated to contextually reflect the overlapping behavior when Twist the Knife is known.
Outlaw Rogue

- Crackshot now also refreshes the cooldown of Between the Eyes upon gaining Stealth.
- Precise Cuts now increases Blade Flurry’s damage by 4% per missing target below its max (was 2%).
- Keep It Rolling cooldown reduced to 6 minutes (was 7 minutes).
- Blade Flurry’s area-of-effect range increased to match the same distance it was when the previous version of Acrobatic Strikes was talented.
- Blade Flurry’s initial damage effect radius increased to match the area of its primary effect.
Subtlety Rogue

- New Talent: Death Perception – Symbols of Death has [1/2] additional charge(s) and increases damage by an additional 3/6%. 2-point talent.
- The First Dance has been redesigned – Remaining out of combat for 6 seconds increases the duration of your next Shadow Dance by 4 seconds. In PvP combat, the effect requires 10 seconds out of combat and increases Shadow Dance duration by 2 seconds.
- Shadow Blades cooldown reduced to 1 minute 30 seconds (was 2 minutes) and duration reduced to 16 seconds (was 20 seconds).
- The following talents have been removed:
And that covers all of the Rogue changes for the upcoming 11.0.5 Patch for World of Warcraft The War Within. You can check out the official patch notes, here.