Many players are excited to see what's in store for The War Within's next patch, and given the massive amount of data mining and speculation from content creators, we can get a rough estimate as to when it will be released.
Keep in mind, the information in this article is based on speculation and should be taken with a grain of salt, but without further ado, let's dive into the details we know so far about World of Warcraft Patch 11.0.7.
WoW TWW Patch 11.0.7 Possible Release Date

Given the amount of information players have available on the PTR, it is stated that the patch will include a lot of changes to the holiday events, specifically Winter Veil. This allows us to speculate that the patch should go live before the holiday event kicks off on December 17, 2024. This means that World of Warcraft The War Within Patch 11.0.7 could possible be released before December 17, 2024.
The quest rewards from the patch also include Bronze Celebration Tokens from WoW's 20th Anniversary, which is scheduled to end on January 6, 2025. Although this is not completely certain, it should give players enough time to prepare just before the holidays and start collecting some sweet new rewards like mounts, transmogs, and even a new powerful ring.
WoW TWW Patch 11.0.7 Content

The newest update for The War Within promises to bring a lot of cool content for players to try out including a brand new zone called the Siren Isle, along with new quests, cosmetics, holiday event changes, cross-faction group queues, class and racial tuning, and meta achievements among other goodies.
Players will also get the option to obtain a powerful new ring, similar to the one we got in the Forbidden Reach for the Dragon Isles expansion. Although a decent chunk of the community is booing Blizzard for their lack of creativity as well as repeating gimmicks from previous installments, we might see some quality-of-life updates to the core gameplay on the Siren Isle. Nonetheless, Patch 11.0.7 will have you running wild exploring the new content, despite some players naming the new zone 'Chore Isle'.