Along with the large amount of content players will be getting for World of Warcraft The War Within Patch 11.0.7, the devs will also be adjusting some unpopular class races that have not seen much use in recent years.
Hopefully, these changes will balance out most of the different WoW races, giving them some much-needed flair and effectiveness whilst doing PvE or PvP activities.
WoW TWW 11.0.7 Racial Changes

Here are all of the changes as posted on the official PTR notes for World of Warcraft 11.0.7.
Developer’s note: We’re making updates to several racial abilities with the goal of increasing the viability of some underrepresented races. Many of these abilities have fallen behind naturally within the game’s ecosystem and our hope is that targeted tweaks will help promote increased diversity of racials across all content types.

- Gift of the Naaru cooldown reduced to 2 minutes (was 3 minutes).

Highmountain Tauren
- Rugged Tenacity’s effect increased by 50%.

Lightforged Draenei
- Light's Judgment radius increased to 10 yards (was 5 yards) and its visual size increased.
- Light's Judgment’s damage increased by 40% and it now deals reduced damage beyond 8 targets.
- Holy Providence has been renamed to Holy Providence and now increases healing done by 1%.

Mag’har Orc
- Stats granted from Ancestral Call increased by 30% and now increases one of your two highest secondary stats.

- Arcane Pulse damage increased by 300% and now reduces movement speed by 80% (was 50%). Duration reduced to 8 seconds (was 12 seconds).

Void Elf
- Spatial Rift movement speed of the rift increased by 80%, duration is increased to 8 seconds (was 6 seconds), and maximum range increased to 35 yards. The visual effect has been updated and no longer appears for party members.
- Entropic Embrace: Proc activation rate adjusted, now increases healing and damage by 5% for 12 seconds (was duplicate healing/damage). Now functions with absorbs.

- Bag of Tricks healing and damage increased by 40%.
- Bag of Tricks now decreases enemy movement speed by 80% for 4 seconds and increases ally movement speed by 20% for 4 seconds. Now only affects a single target.

- Darkflight now stacks its speed bonus with other movement increasing effects.

Zandalari Troll
- Regeneratin' no longer cancels from periodic damage effects, its cooldown is now 3 minutes (was 2.5 minutes), and heals for 50% of your maximum health (was 100%).
- Embrace of Akunda healing increased by 300% and chance to trigger increased by 250%.
- Embrace of Bwonsamdi effect increased by 50%.
- Embrace of Kimbul chance to trigger increased by 400%.
And that covers all of the changes as noted by the devs, here. Hopefully, these buffs are enough to ensure more races get to benefit from strong abilities, without players having to primarily stick to meta options for maximum utility. World of Warcraft The War Within will certainly bring more changes to the table, including class balancing.