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12. How to Carry from the Offlane ft. Iceiceice

Offlaners Should Ignore Their Teammates!
In this Dota 2 guide, Speeed will teach you the correct way to play offlane and carry even when your team is intent of throwing!

The Offlane Role - Dota 2 Course

0% completed
1. Offlane Essentials
2. Laning
3. Mindset and Strategy
The Offlane Role - Dota 2 Course

0% completed
1. Offlane Essentials
2. Laning
3. Mindset and Strategy

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TrueProgress 3 years ago
I like this format a lot Speeed. More please!
jaron 3 years ago
this video was refreshing. content has really gotten better here over the last couple of months. thanks for that, i'm going to resub. so last TI OG showed up with a really surprising IO strat and crushed with it. Do you think many teams are now putting extra effort into finding something "broken" by looking for strats in surprising places, or have they always been doing that?
McTrendy 3 years ago
by far my favorite video speeed. this really affirmed everything i've been doing as an offlane player. pos 3 is such a great role. thank you so much, always appreciate you and especially your offlane videos
pinfascore 2 years ago
Very nice review! To kill them you not have to actually kill them, nice one!