Horses are a great way for you to move around the battlefields in Dynasty Warriors: Origins while also raining down a world of pain on any...
a month ago
Items are an important gameplay mechanic in Dynasty Warriors: Origins. Each item gives the Wanderer a unique effect that can help you in...
a month ago
Battle Arts is one of the core gameplay mechanics in Dynasty Warriors: Origins. They are special moves that you can use to deal a ton of...
a month ago
The Accessories are a crucial part of Dynasty Warriors: Origins and can make or break your missions. They provide a decent amount of...
a month ago
Utility Accessories are one of the four types of accessories you can get in Dynasty Warriors: Origins. They are a type of accessory that...
a month ago
The support accessories in Dynasty Warriors: Origins help your Wanderer by providing him with various boosts in Health, or by making it so...
a month ago
Just like any other accessories, Defense Accessories are an important part of your build. They help your wanderer survive by providing him...
a month ago
Accessories are an important part of Dynasty Warriors: Origins. You can use accessories to give your main character buffs to make him...
a month ago
Tactics are one of the unique gameplay mechanics in Dynasty Warriors: Origins. They allow you to order the nearby allies to perform various...
a month ago
In Dynasty Warriors: Origins players control the main character of the game, who is known as the Wanderer. The Wanderer starts off with a...
a month ago
Horses are unique mounts in Dynasty Warriors: Origins that allow you to fight while riding them and moving through the battlefield. While...
a month ago
Ultimate Weapons are the strongest weapons that you can get in Dynasty Warriors: Origins. These weapons are classified as Grade 8 weapons,...
a month ago
The Halberd is one of the ten weapon types in Dynasty Warriors: Origins and the weapon that takes the most time to unlock. You can unlock...
a month ago
The Twin Pike is one of the ten weapon types in Dynasty Warriors: Origins and a weapon type that has been present in almost all of the...
a month ago
The Wheels are one of the more unique weapon types in Dynasty Warriors: Origins. This weapon allows for close- and medium-range combat...
a month ago
Gauntlets are one of the 10 weapon types in Dynasty Warriors: Origins. They are the weapon with the closest range but also the highest...
a month ago
The Crescent Blade is one of the 10 weapon types in Dynasty Warriors: Origins. It is a long spear-like weapon that offers wide AoE attacks,...
a month ago
The Staff is one of the 10 weapon types in Dynasty Warriors: Origins. Staves are powerful weapons that you can unlock in the [Chapter 2:...
a month ago
The Lance is one of the 10 weapon types in Dynasty Warriors: Origins. Players can unlock the Lance weapon type in the [Chapter 3: Battle of...
a month ago
The spear is a common weapon type in any game, and it is also not a stranger in Dynasty Warriors: Origins. Players can unlock the Spear...
a month ago