LEGO Fortnite: How to Find Rollers and Get Shells

Read our tips on locating Rollers, defeating them in battle, and collecting those crucial Shells in LEGO Fortnite Mode.

LEGO Fortnite: How to Find Rollers and Get Shells
Epic Games

Exploring the world of LEGO Fortnite offers fun surprises - like stumbling upon camouflaged Rollers! These pesky creatures pack a powerful punch, but taking them down rewards you with the valuable Shells needed to upgrade tools. Read on for tips on LEGO Fortnite: How to find Rollers, defeating them in battle, and getting those crucial Shells.

How to Find Rollers in LEGO Fortnite

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 LEGO Fortnite

In Fortnite LEGO mode, Rollers blend into Grassland environments exceptionally well. They are disguised as rocks with tiny foliage sprouting from their backs. Keep an eye out for these subtle giveaways to spot camouflaged creatures. Cave systems harboring hoards of enemies also frequently contain Rollers.

Once nearby, Rollers burst forth aggressively. So be prepared for a fight upon discovering one. Equip swords or axes before exploration to take on spring-loaded foes. Here is a guide to craft a Shortsword to help you.



How to Defeat Rollers

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Defeating Rollers

Sporting an arsenal of hard-hitting attacks, Rollers are challenging opponents in LEGO Fortnite. They relentlessly strike with razor claws, bowl over victims while rolling, or even hurl heavy boulders. Their hits inflict severe injury, so perfect combat strategies are essential.

The key is carefully timed dodging. Patiently study Rollers’ attack windups then dodge immediately before impact. Retaliate during their cooldown periods between strikes. Continuously dodge and deal damage until defeating Rollers. Do not let them trap you against barriers - always leave room to evade.

Falling in battle means all Shell profits are lost with you. So gear up sufficiently beforehand and attack vigorously. Victory then awards the Shells you seek!



Getting Shells from Eliminating Rollers and Use Them in LEGO Fortnite

Eliminating Rollers allows claiming 3-6 Shells. These get stored directly within your inventory along with other pickups from foes like Slurp Mushrooms. After you get Shells from multiple conquered Rollers, teleport back to your Village.

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LEGO Fortnite

Now utilizing those hard-earned Shells depends on your goals. Follow the steps below to spend them:

  1. Access inventory & check Shell quantity
  2. Visit Crafting Bench
  3. Select desired recipes/upgrades
  4. Insert Shells & other ingredients
  5. Craft improved tools & weapons!

With shrewd Roller battling, you’ll stockpile plenty of Shells over time. And you’re certain to keep returning to craft ever more impressive gear. We hope these tips on finding and fighting Rollers help all LEGO Fortnite gamers master procuring this precious resource!



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