LEGO Fortnite - How To Upgrade Your Storage Chest

Here's a quick guide that will teach you how to get a bigger storage chest in LEGO Fortnite.

LEGO Fortnite - How To Upgrade Your Storage Chest
Epic Games

As you venture through the expansive world of LEGO Fortnite, collecting items and materials becomes a common task. However, the limited inventory slots pose a challenge. To tackle this, the first solution is to create a common storage chest, but with only 10 slots, it's not enough. Here's how you can upgrade it to a medium chest:



How to Get a Storage Chest and Upgrade in LEGO Fortnite

Build a Lumber Mill Station

  • After constructing a Lumber Mill Station, you'll have a consistent supply of Planks, generated from Wood. Wood is a basic resource easily collected. Once you've built a Storage Chest in the Furniture section of the Build Menu, you gain an extra 10 inventory spaces to store important resources.

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Epic Games



Upgrade Your Village and Build a Stone Breaker

  • Upgrade your Village Hub to Level 5 to unlock a new station, the Stone Breaker.

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  • This station processes rocks to obtain plain slabs. Building the Stone Breaker requires 20x Knotroots and 35x Marbles.


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  • You can get Knotroots and Marbles in the nearby caves. You can check how to get knotroots in our guide here.



Craft an Uncommon Storage Chest

  • After crafting a Marble Slab, you unlock the recipe for an Uncommon Storage Chest in the Storage section. This upgraded chest can store up to 16 items

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  •  Although a significant improvement, crafting a Medium Chest requires Uncommon resources, namely 8x Knotroots and 6x Marble Slabs.


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Epic Games


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Epic Games

With these simple steps, you'll expand your storage capacity in LEGO Fortnite and be better equipped for your adventures.

Check out our other basic guides in LEGO Fortnite: How To Craft Axe and Pickaxe , How To Cook Food, How to Updgrade Your Village, How to Befriend Animals, How To Warm Up and Escape The Cold, How to Sleep, How To Plant and Grow Crops,  How to Craft Bows, How To Get Grappler and Glider, How To Get Knotroot, How To Get Flexwood, Every Resource and Material Cheat List.
