The Finals Tier List: Best Light Weapons

We're ranking from best to worst light weapons, guns, armour in The Finals

The Finals Tier List: Best Light Weapons
Embark Studios

The Finals Season 1 kicked off on December 7th, providing players with the opportunity to engage in thrilling battles. With a selection of 12 weapons categorized as light, medium, and heavy, players can customize their loadouts for strategic advantage. This article focuses on exploring the Light Weapons and assembling them into a comprehensive tier list, from best to worst. For the complete The Finals Weapon Tier List, click here.

List of all Light Weapons in The Finals: 

  • Dagger
  • LH1
  • M11
  • SR-84
  • Sword
  • V9S
  • XP-54



S-Tier Light Weapons


Embark Studios

The XP-54 in The Finals is a formidable weapon in the battle arena, showcasing its prowess as a monster on the battlefield. Tailored for aggressive players, this weapon delivers exceptionally fast and overpowering damage. It stands out as a solid choice for those who depend on swift movement and efficient takedowns. Dominate the Finals arena with the XP-54!


v9s The Finals
Embark Studios

The V9S emerges as a standout weapon in The Finals, earning its status as one of the stars in the arsenal. As a semi-automatic pistol, its versatility shines through, making it an excellent choice for close to medium-range combat with minimal recoil. Notably, the V9S boasts an extremely fast fire rate, adding a significant edge to its performance. Choose the V9S for precision and agility in the heat of battle!



A-Tier Light Weapons


Embark Studios

The SR-84 stands out as the ultimate weapon for precise players who excel at headshots and are prepared to take down entire enemy teams. Combining speed and accuracy, this sniper is tailored for those whose playstyle in The Finals involves a more strategic, long-range approach. While you may not find yourself in the midst of the action, the SR-84 ensures you contribute significantly with precision and impactful gameplay. Perfect for those looking to make a serious impact from a distance!



B-Tier Light Weapons


LH1 The Finals
Embark Studios

The LH1, a semi-automatic marksman rifle, serves as a decent choice for engagements at medium to long ranges. While its damage and fire rate are commendable, they may not quite match up to the performance of the previously mentioned weapons. Nonetheless, the LH1 is a reliable option for players seeking a balanced approach in The Finals, providing a solid mix of accuracy and firepower for those strategic encounters at a distance.


M11 The Finals
Embark Studios

The M11 boasts remarkable speed, but its nature leans towards chaos and unpredictability. As a machine pistol, it exhibits substantial recoil, making it most effective in close-range skirmishes. It's important to note that the M11 experiences a decline in damage output when utilized from a distance. Ideal for rapid engagements up close, this weapon caters to players who thrive in the intensity of close-quarters combat in The Finals.



C-Tier List

Assassin's Dagger

Dagger The FInals
Embark Studios

Ever heard the advice "Don't bring a knife to a gunfight"? Well, in The Finals, the dagger defies that wisdom. This weapon is reserved for skilled and seasoned players who understand its nuances. Functioning as a stealth weapon, the dagger compels players to approach enemies closely without attracting gunfire. While its regular hit inflicts 50 damage, a charged backstab can deliver a whopping 320, potentially resulting in a one-shot takedown. Navigate the battlefield with finesse, and the dagger becomes a lethal tool in the hands of adept The Finals players.


Similar to the dagger, melee weapons in The Finals are tailored for skilled players. Although the damage output is less than that of the dagger, the ability to charge at enemies adds a dynamic element to gameplay. However, players wielding swords in The Finals should be aware that they become vulnerable to surrounding bullets, emphasizing the need for strategic maneuvering and precise timing when opting for melee attacks. Choose the sword wisely, and it becomes a tool for skilled players to showcase their finesse in the heat of battle.



The Finals Best Light Weapons Tier List

Tier Light Weapon
S-Tier XP-54
S-Tier V9S
A-Tier SR-84
B-Tier LH1
B-Tier M11
C-Tier Dagger
C-Tier Sword

