The Diablo 4 Campfire Chat just ended, and a lot of new information for Season 3 was announced by the developers over at Blizzard. Many class changes, new unique items, as well as details on the Seasonal mechanics, were discussed in this 90-minute broadcast.
One segment of the stream focused on the new Season Journey, a system in Diablo 4 that rewards players for completing different challenges, guiding them in the right direction for progression. During this segment, it was revealed that some of the later stages of the Season Journey would award players with Item Power 925 Legendary items, essentially the highest power level an item can have in the game.

Diablo 4 Season 3: Item Power 925 Legendaries from Season Journey
This change is quite interesting as it will provide players with some of the strongest gear available in the game before they can comfortably farm for it. At the end of the day, the item you receive will still be random, but this opens up the opportunity for some insanely lucky drops to happen to a select few players.
Needless to say, ARPGs are usually the genre in which balance is thrown out the window in favor of player power, so it seems like Blizzard has started to slowly change their design philosophy on the game. Only time will tell how this change is received by the community and what kind of impact it will have on the game.

That is everything you need to know about the new change to the Season Journey for Season of the Construct. This adjustment is going to help players receive a small boost in power earlier in the game, which might set them up for success if they are lucky enough. For more Diablo 4 coverage, make sure to visit the rest of our website!