Season of the Construct is nearly here! With an official release date of January 23rd, players can expect a ton of new Seasonal Mechanics, activities, and quality-of-life changes coming to Diablo 4. We already discussed some of the big highlights of the Season in the new Seneschal Companion, Vault Dungeons, and the new Malphas boss fight. One new feature that has not been talked about enough are the brand new Construct enemy types that will be present during most of the new in-game events and activities in Season 3. In this article, we are going to go over what these Constructs are and how we can interact with them in Season 3.

Diablo 4 Season 3 New Construct Enemy Type
There haven't been a ton of new enemy types added to Diablo 4 since the game first launched in June. Season 1 and 2 did have a few modified enemies with new powers that were themed around the season, but they were ultimately just a recolor or reskin of an already existing model. Season 3 looks like it will be the first time (apart from bosses) a new enemy type is added to the game, and they are called Constructs.
Constructs are machines that are the result of the Loom, an ancient technology that was created by Zoltun Kulle. These Constructs remained dormant until the demon Malphas possessed one of them and started twisting the Loom, creating an army with the intention to take over Sanctuary. From the different promotional trailers, we can see that these Constructs have the form of different insects, with a Scorpion, Wasp, and Spider being front and center. It remains to be seen if there are other types of Constructs during the new Season.
We still don't know how these Constructs are going to be categorized in-game and if there will be new Elixirs that are going to grant bonuses against this enemy type. What we do know, however, is that these new enemies are going to be scattered all around the world of Sanctuary, being present in the new Arcane Tremor events, as well as the new Vault Dungeons.
That covers everything we know about the brand new Construct enemy type added to Diablo 4 Season 3. We can't wait to see the different abilities and animations that were created for these enemies, as they are going to play a huge part in the upcoming Season of the Construct.