Blizzard has just dropped patch 2.0.5 for Diablo 4, marking the first major update since the launch of the Vessel of Hatred expansion. Season 6 continues to evolve with players finding new interactions and builds for each of the different classes while also pushing deeper into the Pit. With so much new content being added in this expansion, many players have decided to stick around for longer than usual during this season, creating new characters and experimenting with new builds for their mains. The Necromancer is receiving a lot of changes this patch, and even though they were not the strongest class in the game, these adjustments are definitely going to bridge the gap between them and the Spiritborn. Here are all of the Necromancer changes that are coming to Diablo 4 with patch 2.0.5!
Diablo 4: Vessel of Hatred - Patch 2.0.5 All Necromancer Changes

Mythic Unique Items
+400% Damage to Healthy Enemies replaced with +44% Damage Over Time Duration.
Damage increased from 3000% to 4000%.
Unique Items
Chill per second is now 3 times higher.
Damage distribution time increased from 2 to 3 seconds.
Legendary Aspects
Maximum active Cooldown Reduction increased from 50% to 70%.
Both effects now apply to Basic Skills even when they are not Cast, such as the free Storm Strike triggered from Greatstaff of the Crone.
Damage increased from 33% to 60% per second.
Essence gain per second increased from 10 to 13 and now increases with your Attack Speed bonuses.
Damage increased from 27% to 40%.
Essence generated increased from 9 to 13.
Damage increased from 9% to 15%.
Essence generated increased from 7 to 10.
Damage increased from 13% to 20%.
Now generates 15 Essence when hitting a Boss.
Damage increased from 180% to 300%.
Before: Your Bone Skills deal 5/
10/ 15%[x] increased Critical Strike Damage to Vulnerable enemies. -
Now: Your Bone Skills deal 6/
12/ 18%[x] increased damage to Vulnerable enemies.
Damage increased from 5/
10/ 15%[x] to 6/ 12/ 18%[x].
The 2%[x] increased Shadow damage now stacks up to 4 times, up from 3.
Key Passives
Damage increased from 44% to 60%.
Damage increased from 80% to 100%.
Unique Items
Damage increased by 5% for every 20% of your Critical Strike Damage, down from every 30%.
Chance to spawn a Skeletal Simulacrum increased from 10-30% to 20-40%.
Corpse Explosion damage increased from 30-50% to 50-90%.
Legendary Aspects
Pool of Blight bonus damage increased from 60-140%[x] to 70-190%[x].
Sever damage increased from 110%-170% to 140-200% of normal damage.
And those were all of the changes to the Necromancer class in Diablo 4's mid-season 2.0.5 update. Hopefully this patch bridges the gap between the different classes, so we can see more diversity by the end of the season. For more Diablo 4 news and guides, make sure to check out the rest of the website!