The first major patch for Diablo 4 Season 6 is finally here, and since the new Vessel of Hatred expansion added so many new ways to increase the power of your character, you can imagine that there will be a lot of balancing adjustments this time around. Not only are all of the classes receiving significant updates, but there are also many changes coming to items and runes, allowing players to experiment with more builds towards the end of the season. In this article, we are going to focus on the Rogue class and go over all of the changes that are happening to them as Blizzard starts getting ready to focus on the next season in Diablo 4!
Diablo 4: Vessel of Hatred - Patch 2.0.5 All Rogue Changes

Mythic Unique Items
+400% Damage to Healthy Enemies replaced with +44% Damage Over Time Duration.
Damage increased from 3000% to 4000%.
Unique Items
Chill per second is now 3 times higher.
Damage distribution time increased from 2 to 3 seconds.
Legendary Aspects
Maximum active Cooldown Reduction increased from 50% to 70%.
Both effects now apply to Basic Skills even when they are not Cast, such as the free Storm Strike triggered from Greatstaff of the Crone.
Rogue Class Changes
Base damage increased from 35% to 45%.
Base damage increased from 22% to 33%.
Base damage increased from 54% to 70%.
Base damage increased from 70% to 95%.
Before: When cast with full Energy, Penetrating Shot will Slow all enemies it hits by 50% for 3 seconds. Elite enemies will also be Knocked Down for 1.5 seconds.
Now: When cast with full Energy, Penetrating Shot will Slow all enemies it hits by 50% for 3 seconds. Elite enemies will take 50%[x] increased damage and be Knocked Down for 1.5 seconds.
Developer's Note: The tooltip for Advanced Penetrating Shot in-game will soon be updated to show that Elite enemies take multiplicative damage.
Base damage increased from 130% to 150%.
Energy cost reduction increased from 10% to 15%.
Base damage increased from 33% to 40%.
Critical Strike Chance per shot increased from 5% to 7.5%.
Base damage increased from 40% to 65%.
Added that damage is increased by Attack Speed in the tooltip.
Improved the distance tracking.
Base damage increased from 64% to 86%. Note that these percentages relate to when a one-handed weapon is equipped.
Cooldown reduced from 13 to 10 seconds.
Base damage increased from 45% to 90%.
This skill now properly maintains the buff for 5 seconds after casting, regardless of whether you leave Stealth while it is active.
Tooltip updated for clarity.
Damage to single enemies when the infection expires increased from 40% to 60%.
Damage increased from 3/
6/ 9% to 6/ 12/ 18%.
Damage increased from 6/
12/ 18% to 8/ 16/ 24%.
Key Passives
The explosion from Victimize can happen much more frequently than before.
Damage scaling increased from 120% to 150%.
Potency scaling increased from 20% to 40%.
Fewer non-physical damage types are required to gain this benefit, reduced from 3 to 2.
Damage scaling increased from 15% to 20%.
Damage scaling increased from 15% to 25%.
Damage per stack increased from 5% to 6%.
Lucky Hit Chance increased from 25% to 40%.
Stun Grenade damage increased from 40% to 80%.
Unique Items
Damage bonus when activated increased from double to triple damage.
Core damage increased from 20-40% to 50-70%.
Critical Strike Damage increased from 33% to 45%.
Damage cap increased from 20-40% to 30-50%.
Damage increased from 15-35% to 35-55%.
Legendary Aspects
Damage increased from 40-60% to 60-80%.
Damage cap while Inner Sight's gauge is full increased from 35% to 60%.
And those were all of the changes to the Rogue class in Diablo 4's mid-season 2.0.5 update. Hopefully this patch bridges the gap between the different classes, so we can see more diversity by the end of the season. For more Diablo 4 news and guides, make sure to check out the rest of the website!