Dragon's Dogma 2 Archer Guide: All Skills List

We will be taking a look at all of the skills for the Archer Vocation in Dragon's Dogma 2.

Dragon's Dogma 2 Archer Guide: All Skills List

The highly-anticipated release of Dragon's Dogma 2 has a lot of players excited to see how Capcom has innovated and enhanced the franchise. With some major changes to the first installment, Dragon's Dogma 2 will bring a lot of fresh and fun gameplay aspects to further enhance the RPG setting. 

With that being said, we will be taking a look at the Archer Vocation in Dragon's Dogma 2 as this powerful ranged class has some great damage output that will be of major importance to the success of your party in its adventures. The Archer makes use of skills that help deal with strong single targets and multiple weaker ones so you can reliably deal with almost any encounter. 

Dragon's Dogma 2 All Archer Skills



Dragon's Dogma 2: All Archer Vocation Skills

Dragon's Dogma 2 Archer Vocation

Archer Vocation

The Archer makes use of powerful bows to deal with enemies from afar as his kit also includes a plethora of disengage abilities to narrowly escape melee attackers as well as shoot down waves of arrows to deal with any difficult battle you might face.

Dragon's Dogma 2: All Archer Vocation Weapon Skills

Dragon's Dogma 2 Archer Vocation

Basic Weapon Skills

Weapon Skill


Barrage Shot 

  • Rank: 1
  • DCP Cost: 0
  • Description: Fires arrows in rapid succession, allowing for concentrated attacks on a single target. Can be employed while moving.
Weapon Skill


Sweep Shot

  • Rank: 1
  • DCP Cost: 200
  • Description: Fires arrows in a wedge pattern, allowing multiple targets to be struck simultaneously. Can be employed while moving.
Weapon Skill


Dire Arrow

  • Rank: 1
  • DCP Cost: 200
  • Description: Fires a devastating shot that knocks down smaller targets. When using Steady Shot, arrows become even more powerful if they are loosed the instant the bow is fully drawn.
Weapon Skill


Keen Sight

  • Rank: 2
  • DCP Cost: 300
  • Description: Special sight augments the user's vision while drawing, allowing them to fire on distant targets. Consumes Stamina while the bow is drawn.
Weapon Skill


Exploding Shot

  • Rank: 2
  • DCP Cost: 300
  • Description: Fires a loaded arrow that adheres to foes or terrain. The arrow will burst when attacked or after a time, and can knock targets off balance.
Weapon Skill


Tarring Shot

  • Rank: 3
  • DCP Cost: 450
  • Description: Fires a loaded arrow that adheres to foes or terrain. Explodes after a time or if attacked, tarring the target and those who draw near. Usable only when carrying an applicable arrow.
Weapon Skill


Torrent Shot

  • Rank: 4
  • DCP Cost: 700
  • Description: Fires multiple arrows in rapid succession. Rate of fire increases with consecutive shots. Prevents movement while active.
Weapon Skill


Drenching Shot

  • Rank: 5
  • DCP Cost: 1100
  • Description: Fires a loaded arrow that adheres to foes or terrain. Explodes after a time or if attacked, drenching the target and those who draw near. Usable only when carrying an applicable arrow.
Weapon Skill


Whirling Arrow

  • Rank: 6
  • DCP Cost: 1800
  • Description: Fires a powerful spinning arrow that delivers a barrage of hits. Effective at overwhelming smaller targets. Can be employed while moving.
Weapon Skill


Blighting Shot

  • Rank: 7
  • DCP Cost: 2500
  • Description: An advanced form of Whirling Arrow that appends still more strikes to the barrage.


Dragon's Dogma 2 Archer Vocation

Advanced Weapon Skills


Weapon Skill


Manifold Shot

  • Rank: 4
  • DCP Cost: 1000
  • Description: An advanced form of Barrage Shot that fires a greater number of arrows.
Weapon Skill


Cascade Shot

  • Rank: 4
  • DCP Cost: 1000
  • Description: An advanced form of Sweep Shot that fires a greater number of arrows.
Weapon Skill


Deathly Arrow

  • Rank: 5
  • DCP Cost: 1300
  • Description: An advanced form of Dire Arrow that inflicts greater harm and has the ability to pin smaller targets to walls.
Weapon Skill


Lyncean Sight

  • Rank: 6
  • DCP Cost: 1600
  • Description: An advanced form of Keen Sight that stabilizes the user's vision and consumes less Stamina.
Weapon Skill


Erupting Shot

  • Rank: 5
  • DCP Cost: 1300
  • Description: An advanced form of Exploding Shot with increased arrow speed. If employed while clinging to a target, the user pierces the target with the explosive arrow directly.
Weapon Skill


Incendiary Shot

  • Rank: 6
  • DCP Cost: 1600
  • Description: An advanced form of Tarring Shot with increased arrow speed. If employed while clinging to a target, the user pierces the target with the tarring arrow directly.
Weapon Skill


Tempest Shot

  • Rank: 7
  • DCP Cost: 2000
  • Description: An advanced form of Torrent Shot that fires a greater number of arrows.
Weapon Skill


Deluging Shot

  • Rank: 7
  • DCP Cost: 2000
  • Description: An advanced form of Drenching Shot with increased arrow speed. If employed while clinging to a target, the user pierces the target with the drenching arrow directly.
Weapon Skill


Spiral Arrow

  • Rank: 8
  • DCP Cost: 2500
  • Description: An advanced form of Whirling Arrow that appends still more strikes to the barrage.
Weapon Skill


Nocuous Shot

  • Rank: 9
  • DCP Cost: 3000
  • Description: An advanced form of Blighting Shot with increased arrow speed. If employed while clinging to a target, the user pierces the target with the blighting arrow directly.
Weapon Skill


Heavenly Shot

  • Rank: Hunter's Secret
  • DCP Cost: Hunter's Secret
  • Description: Fires an almighty arrow in exchange for consuming all of the user's Stamina. The arrow's potency is determined by the user's remaining Stamina when it is loosed.



Dragon's Dogma 2: All Archer Vocation Core Skills

Dragon's Dogma 2 Archer Vocation

Core Skills

Core Skill


Front Kick

  • Rank: 0
  • DCP Cost: 0
  • Description: Unleashes a swift kick that causes the target to flinch. Launches the user backward if the kick connects in mid-air.
Weapon Skill


Steady Shot

  • Rank: 0
  • DCP Cost: 0
  • Description: Draws the bow carefully, allowing for precise aim. Can be employed while moving. Length of the draw affects arrow impact and distance flown.
Core Skill


Leaping Punt

  • Rank: 1
  • DCP Cost: 150
  • Description: Delivers a weighty kick that can knock foes off balance. Launches the user backward after it connects.
Weapon Skill


Parting Shot

  • Rank: 2
  • DCP Cost: 250
  • Description: Fires an arrow while jumping back after performing a Leaping Punt or a mid-air Front Kick. 
Core Skill


Swift Nock

  • Rank: 3
  • DCP Cost: 250
  • Description: Enables the user to nock arrows more quickly when using Loose or Steady Shot.
Weapon Skill


Puncture Dart

  • Rank: 4
  • DCP Cost: 600
  • Description: Draws the bowstring to its absolute limit before firing. Makes aiming more difficult, but allows arrows to pierce targets with greater impact.
Weapon Skill



  • Rank: 2
  • DCP Cost: 0
  • Description: Aims and fires an arrow at a nearby foe. Can be employed while moving. If employed while clinging to or pinning down a target, the user pierces the target with the arrow directly.



Dragon's Dogma 2: All Archer Vocation Augments

Dragon's Dogma 2 Archer Vocation





  • Rank: 2
  • DCP Cost: 300
  • Description: Increases damage dealt by your attacks when targets are not in battle stance.



  • Rank: 4
  • DCP Cost: 900
  • Description: Increases your maximum Stamina.



  • Rank: 6
  • DCP Cost: 1800
  • Description: Causes your lantern to consume less oil and illuminate a wider area.



  • Rank: 8
  • DCP Cost: 3000
  • Description: Increases damage dealt when striking a target's vitals.


  • Rank: 9
  • DCP Cost: 5000
  • Description: Enables you to clamber up cliffs and scale foes and other surfaces more quickly.

And that is everything we know about the Archer Vocation skills in Dragon's Dogma 2 thus far. Should there be any updates or changes, we will make sure to cover them on our site.
