Dragon's Dogma 2 Fighter Guide: All Skills List

We will be taking a look at all of the skills for the Fighter Vocation in Dragon's Dogma 2.

Dragon's Dogma 2 Fighter Guide: All Skills List

The highly-anticipated release of Dragon's Dogma 2 has a lot of players excited to see how Capcom has innovated and enhanced the franchise. With some major changes to the first installment, Dragon's Dogma 2 will bring a lot of fresh and fun gameplay aspects to further enhance the RPG setting. 

With that being said, we will be taking a look at the Fighter Vocation in Dragon's Dogma 2 as this beefy frontline class has some great tanking skills that will be of major importance to the success of your party in its adventures. The Fighter utilizes a sword and shield that helps manage fierce enemies and deal damage. 

Dragon's Dogma 2 Fighter Vocation All Skills



Dragon's Dogma 2: All Fighter Vocation Skills

Dragon's Dogma 2 Fighter Vocation

Fighter Vocation

The Fighter prides himself on great defensive capabilities, and although the limited mobility might make some encounters tough to manage, you have your trusted shield to block enemy attacks. Coupled with a deadly sword, your damage is not to be underestimated.

Dragon's Dogma 2: All Fighter Vocation Weapon Skills

Dragon's Dogma 2 Fighter Vocation

Basic Weapon Skills

Weapon Skill


Blink Strike

  • Rank: 1
  • DCP Cost: 0
  • Description: Rushes forcefully toward the target and visits a powerful blow upon them.
Weapon Skill


Airward Slash

  • Rank: 1
  • DCP Cost: 200
  • Description: Performs a jump while slashing diagonally upward. An effective means of assailing flying targets.
Weapon Skill


Shield Bash

  • Rank: 1
  • DCP Cost: 200
  • Description: Delivers a powerful blow with the shield that can knock targets off balance.
Weapon Skill


Shield Summons

  • Rank: 2
  • DCP Cost: 300
  • Description: Raps the shield loudly to attract the attention of nearby targets.
Weapon Skill


Compass Slash

  • Rank: 3
  • DCP Cost: 450
  • Description: Spins with blade extended, drawing a deadly circle that slices through nearby targets. 
Weapon Skill



  • Rank: 3
  • DCP Cost: 450
  • Description: Launches allies into the air using the shield.
Weapon Skill


Gouging Skewer

  • Rank: 4
  • DCP Cost: 700
  • Description: Thrusts the blade into the target's body before raining further blows upon them. If strikes connect, the user clings to larger targets and pins down smaller targets that are flinching.
Weapon Skill

Impeccable Guard

  • Rank: 4
  • DCP Cost: 700
  • Description: Spins nimbly on the spot, blocking attacks from every direction with the shield. Employable even while flinching. Useful for escaping dire circumstances.
Weapon Skill


Hindsight Slash

  • Rank: 5
  • DCP Cost: 1100
  • Description: Ducks backward before charging in to deliver a slashing blow. Using it as an evasive maneuver increases its power.
Weapon Skill

Counter Slash

  • Rank: 6
  • DCP Cost: 1800
  • Description: Parries a target's attack with the shield before delivering a swift slash in return. Consumes Stamina while defending.
Weapon Skill

Perfect Defense

  • Rank: 7
  • DCP Cost: 2500
  • Description: Guards against all manner of attacks from the front. Consumes a great deal of Stamina while defending.


Dragon's Dogma 2 Fighter Vocation

Advanced Weapon Skills


Weapon Skill


Burst Strike

  • Rank: 4
  • DCP Cost: 1000
  • Description: An advanced form of Blink Strike that allows the user to travel further and more swiftly before visiting a powerful blow upon foes.
Weapon Skill

Cloudward Slash

  • Rank: 5
  • DCP Cost: 1300
  • Description: An advanced form of Airward Slash that reaches greater heights and inflicts greater harm. Also employable in mid-air.
Weapon Skill


Shield Pummel

  • Rank: 4
  • DCP Cost: 1000
  • Description: An advanced form of Shield Bash that strikes the target twice. 
Weapon Skill


Shield Drum

  • Rank: 5
  • DCP Cost: 450
  • Description: An advanced form of Shield Summons that carries further, drawing the ire of even distant targets. 
Weapon Skill


Full Moon Slash

  • Rank: 6
  • DCP Cost: 1300
  • Description: An advanced form of Compass Slash. Spins with blade extended, slicing through targets at a broad range.
Weapon Skill



  • Rank: 6
  • DCP Cost: 1600
  • Description: An advanced form of Springboard that uses the shield to launch allies further and to greater heights at a decreased cost to Stamina.
Weapon Skill

Gutting Skewer

  • Rank: 7
  • DCP Cost: 2000
  • Description: An advanced form of Gouging Skewer that delivers a greater number of stabbing strikes. Also employable in mid-air.
Weapon Skill

Flawless Guard

  • Rank: 8
  • DCP Cost: 2500
  • Description: An advanced form of Impeccable Guard that consumes less Stamina and has a greater effective range. 
Weapon Skill

Hindsight Sweep

  • Rank: 8
  • DCP Cost: 2500
  • Description: An advanced form of Hindsight Slash. Delivers more strikes when counterattacking, each of increased might.
Weapon Skill


Vengeful Slash

  • Rank: 8
  • DCP Cost: 2500
  • Description: An advanced form of Counter Slash that consumes less Stamina while defending and affords greater range when counterattacking.
Weapon Skill

Divine Defense

  • Rank: 9
  • DCP Cost: 3000
  • Description: An advanced form of Perfect Defense that consumes less Stamina while defending.
Weapon Skill


Riotous Fury

  • Rank: Soldier's Code
  • DCP Cost: Soldier's Code
  • Description: Press the assigned button.



Dragon's Dogma 2: All Fighter Vocation Core Skills

Dragon's Dogma 2 Fighter Vocation

Core Skills

Weapon Skill



  • Rank: 0
  • DCP Cost: 0
  • Description: Unleashes a flurry of swift slashes with the sword.
Weapon Skill



  • Rank: 0
  • DCP Cost: 0
  • Description: Thrusts the blade into the target’s body before raining further blows upon them. If strikes connect, the user clings to larger targets and pins down smaller targets that are flinching.
Weapon Skill



  • Rank: 0
  • DCP Cost: 0
  • Description: Guards against attacks from the front with the shield. Some Stamina is consumed when an attack connects with the shield.
Weapon Skill



  • Rank: 0
  • DCP Cost: 0
  • Description: Deflects attacks back toward the target. While active, counterattacking consumes less Stamina.
Weapon Skill


True Deflect

  • Rank: 1
  • DCP Cost: 150
  • Description: Deflects attacks back toward the target with impressive might. While active, counterattacking consumes no Stamina. Press R1/RB the instant before the enemy's attack makes contact
Weapon Skill


Tusk Toss

  • Rank: 2
  • DCP Cost: 250
  • Description: Traces a grand skyward arc with the blade, sending lightweight targets flying into the air.
Weapon Skill

Steeled Foundation

  • Rank: 3
  • DCP Cost: 400
  • Description: Uses the shield to ease the impact from falling. Reduces fall damage and hastens recovery after a fall.
Weapon Skill

Enchanted Counter

  • Rank: 4
  • DCP Cost: 600
  • Description: When using defend while enchanted, automatically counters with an elemental attack corresponding to the enchantment.




Dragon's Dogma 2: All Fighter Vocation Augments

Dragon's Dogma 2 Fighter Vocation





  • Rank: 2
  • DCP Cost: 300
  • Description: Augments your physical Defense.



  • Rank: 4
  • DCP Cost: 900
  • Description: Increases the likelihood of being targeted by foes.



  • Rank: 6
  • DCP Cost: 1800
  • Description: Enables you to carry additional weight. 



  • Rank: 8
  • DCP Cost: 3000
  • Description: Allows you to lift up and pin down foes for an extended duration.


  • Rank: 9
  • DCP Cost: 5000
  • Description: Hastens recovery when downed or crawling.

And that is everything we know about the Fighter Vocation skills in Dragon's Dogma 2 thus far. Should there be any updates or changes, we will make sure to cover them on our site.
