Dragon's Dogma 2: How to Start a New Game

Find out how to start a new game on Dragon's Dogma 2 in this comprehensive guide.

Dragon's Dogma 2: How to Start a New Game

Struggling with your current playthrough of Dragon's Dogma 2? Want to start over with a brand new character? Capcom is working on an official in-game option to restart, but you don't have to wait. This guide shows you how to start a new game in Dragon's Dogma 2.

How to Start a New Game in Dragon's Dogma 2

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Dragon's Dogma 2 is an expansive action RPG where your choices matter, from character creation to gameplay decisions. However, the game launched without a simple way to delete your save file and start over. This frustrated many players who wanted to:

  • Create a new character from scratch
  • Experience the early game content again
  • Restart after making regrettable choices

Not being able to begin anew makes the journey feel rigid and inflexible. Fortunately, there's a handy workaround.



How to Delete Dragon's Dogma 2 Save File on PC

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Although an in-game option is missing currently, you can still wipe your save manually by deleting game files. We have a detailed guide on how to delete Dragon's Dogma 2 save file for all platforms, make sure to check it out if you are having this problem on PS5 and Xbox.

Nevertheless, here are the steps to delete the save file on PC:

  1. Turn off Steam cloud syncing for the game
  2. Navigate to the save data folder location, usually it's C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\userdata[RANDOM NUMBER]\2054970'
  3. Delete all files inside the "2054970" folder
  4. Launch Dragon's Dogma 2 and create a new character
  5. Re-enable Steam cloud sync and upload the new save



The Official Solution is Coming

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While the manual method works for now, Capcom recently announced an official in-game option to start over is in development for the PC version. Details are still forthcoming, but the update should streamline restarting significantly. Console players may receive similar functionality later as well.

With a fresh start secured, you can mold a new Arisen however you wish - a different race, vocation, and appearance to craft your ideal experience in the dark fantasy world of Gransys. Overcome past mistakes and write your own legend again in Dragon's Dogma 2!
