Dragon's Dogma 2 Thief Guide: All Skills List

We will be taking a look at all of the skills for the Thief Vocation in Dragon's Dogma 2.

Dragon's Dogma 2 Thief Guide: All Skills List

The highly-anticipated release of Dragon's Dogma 2 has a lot of players excited to see how Capcom has innovated and enhanced the franchise. With some major changes to the first installment, Dragon's Dogma 2 will bring a lot of fresh and fun gameplay aspects to further enhance the RPG setting. 

With that being said, we will be taking a look at the new Thief Vocation in Dragon's Dogma 2 as this powerful melee class has some great mobility and damage skills that will be of major importance to the success of your party in its adventures. The Thief can easily take advantage of enemy Weak Points and dish out tons of damage so your party can overcome difficult encounters. 

Dragon's Dogma 2 All Thief Skills



Dragon's Dogma 2: All Thief Vocation Skills

Dragon's Dogma 2 All Thief Skills

Thief Vocation

The Thief is a cunning and agile melee class that excels at finding enemy vulnerabilities and dealing high amounts of damage whilst efficiently evading threats and maintaining the upper hand in a fight at all times.

Dragon's Dogma 2: All Thief Vocation Weapon Skills

Dragon's Dogma 2 All Thief Skills

Basic Weapon Skills


Weapon Skill


Biting Wind

  • Rank: 1
  • DCP Cost: 0
  • Description: Dashes past the target with blades extended. Followed by further slashes when using the same attack on contact. 
Weapon Skill


Enkindled Blades

  • Rank: 1
  • DCP Cost: 200 
  • Description: Brings the daggers together to ignite, wreathing them in flame for a short time. Can also be employed while clinging to or pinning down a foe.
Weapon Skill


Shadow Cloak

  • Rank: 1
  • DCP Cost: 200
  • Description: Enables the user to blend into their surroundings, rendering them more difficult for hostile targets to detect. Less effective when attacking or dashing. Consumes Stamina while active.
Weapon Skill


Helm Splitter

  • Rank: 2
  • DCP Cost: 300
  • Description: Leaps up, then dives through the air while spinning, blades extended. More powerful when performed from high places. Also employable in mid-air. 
Weapon Skill


Powder Charge

  • Rank: 2
  • DCP Cost: 300
  • Description: Places an explosive on the ground at the user's feet that can be detonated from afar at a moment of their choosing. Can also be employed while clinging to or pinning down a foe. 
Weapon Skill



  • Rank: 3
  • DCP Cost: 450
  • Description: Casts out cords to snare targets and tug on them. Pulls smaller targets closer, and topples larger targets that have been knocked off balance.
Weapon Skill


Concussive Step

  • Rank: 3
  • DCP Cost: 450
  • Description: Uses an explosive blast to withdraw from the point of detonation. The blast may cause lightweight targets to flinch. Also employable in mid-air.
Weapon Skill


Smoke Screen

  • Rank: 4
  • DCP Cost: 700
  • Description: Throws a smoke bomb that blinds nearby targets. Useful for creating chaos when counterattacking or withdrawing. Can also be employed while clinging to or pinning down a foe, or in mid-air.
Weapon Skill



  • Rank: 5
  • DCP Cost: 1100
  • Description: Allows the user to rob targets that have been knocked off balance and targets not in battle stance of a curative or other item. Can only rob larger targets while they are downed.
Weapon Skill


Gut and Run

  • Rank: 6
  • DCP Cost: 1800
  • Description: Cruelly stabs and gouges the target before drawing back. A fearsomely powerful skill, employable only while clinging to or pinning down a target. Inflicts greater harm on a foe's weak point.
Weapon Skill


Easy Kill

  • Rank: 7
  • DCP Cost: 2500
  • Description: Darts behind the target after parrying their attack, then slits their throat.


Dragon's Dogma 2 All Thief Skills

Advanced Weapon Skills


Weapon Skill


Cutting Wind

  • Rank: 4
  • DCP Cost: 1000
  • Description: An advanced form of Biting Wind that has an extended attack range.
Weapon Skill


Ignited Blades

  • Rank: 4
  • DCP Cost: 1000
  • Description: An advanced form of Enkindled Blades that has a longer-lasting effect. Can also be employed while clinging to or pinning down a foe.
Weapon Skill


Shadow Veil

  • Rank: 5
  • DCP Cost: 1300
  • Description: An advanced form of Shadow Cloak that renders the user even more difficult for hostile targets to detect at a decreased cost to Stamina.
Weapon Skill


Skull Splitter

  • Rank: 5
  • DCP Cost: 1300
  • Description: An advanced form of Helm Splitter that employs a faster spin to deliver a greater number of slashes during the spinning dive.
Weapon Skill


Powder Blast

  • Rank: 6
  • DCP Cost: 1600
  • Description: An advanced form of Powder Charge that plants a more powerful explosive with a greater effective range. Can also be employed while clinging to or pinning down a foe.
Weapon Skill



  • Rank: 7
  • DCP Cost: 2000
  • Description: An advanced form of Ensnare that allows the user to pull targets with greater force.
Weapon Skill


Concussive Leap

  • Rank: 6
  • DCP Cost: 1600
  • Description: An advanced form of Concussive Step that consumes less Stamina and is more likely to cause targets to flinch.
Weapon Skill


Smoke Shroud

  • Rank: 7
  • DCP Cost: 2000
  • Description: An advanced form of Pilfer that increases the likelihood of stealing a rare item.
Weapon Skill



  • Rank: 8
  • DCP Cost: 2500
  • Description: Allows the user to rob targets that have been knocked off balance and targets not in battle stance of a curative or other item. Can only rob larger targets while they are downed.
Weapon Skill


Draw and Quarter

  • Rank: 8
  • DCP Cost: 2500
  • Description: An advanced form of Gut and Run that inflicts greater harm when withdrawing.
Weapon Skill


Masterful Kill

  • Rank: 9
  • DCP Cost: 3000
  • Description: An advanced form of Easy Kill that can be employed in mid-air.
Weapon Skill


Blades of the Pyre

  • Rank: Legend's Opus
  • DCP Cost: Legend's Opus
  • Description: Brings the daggers together to ignite, wreathing them in a blazing inferno so potent that the user cannot escape being burned.
Weapon Skill


Formless Feint

  • Rank: Pilgferer's Handbook
  • DCP Cost: Pilferer's Handbook
  • Description: Accelerates the user's reactions to an ungodly degree, enabling them to evade all manner of attacks from hostile targets. Consumes Stamina while active.



Dragon's Dogma 2: All Thief Vocation Core Skills

Dragon's Dogma 2 All Thief Skills

Core Skills

Core Skill


Twin Fangs

  • Rank: 0
  • DCP Cost: 0
  • Description: Performs a deadly double strike forward, followed by a powerful successive strike if target is knocked off balance. Hold down to cling to larger targets or to pin down smaller flinching targets.
Core Skill


Swift Step

  • Rank: 0
  • DCP Cost: 0
  • Description: Lowers stance and renders movement swift and light. Effective as an evasive maneuver.
Core Skill


Scarlet Kisses

  • Rank: 1
  • DCP Cost: 150
  • Description: Unleashes a flurry of forward slashes.
Core Skill


Controlled Fall

  • Rank: 2
  • DCP Cost: 250
  • Description: Tucks the body into a tight roll when hitting the ground after being knocked down, allowing the user to swiftly regain their feet. Reduces damage taken upon impact.
Core Skill


Bump and Lift

  • Rank: 3
  • DCP Cost: 400
  • Description: Robs the target of an item when an attack connects. Activates when using Carve, but has a low success rate.
Core Skill



  • Rank: 4
  • DCP Cost: 600
  • Description: Kicks off a wall, allowing the user to launch themselves a great distance.
Core Skill


  • Rank: 0
  • DCP Cost: 0
  • Description: Delivers a flurry of dagger blows. 



Dragon's Dogma 2: All Thief Vocation Augments

Dragon's Dogma 2 All Thief Skills





  • Rank: 2
  • DCP Cost: 300
  • Description: Decreases the likelihood of being targeted by foes. 



  • Rank: 4
  • DCP Cost: 900
  • Description: Slightly restores Health when you deliver the killing blow to a foe. 



  • Rank: 6
  • DCP Cost: 1800
  • Description: Reduces the Stamina consumed when struggling in a foe's grip.



  • Rank: 8
  • DCP Cost: 3000
  • Description: Reduces the Stamina consumed when clinging to or pinning down foes.



  • Rank: 9
  • DCP Cost: 5000
  • Description: Augments your Strength. 

And that is everything we know about the new Thief Vocation skills in Dragon's Dogma 2 thus far. Should there be any updates or changes, we will make sure to cover them on our site.
